Tonino Esposito, Ph.D., joined the Centre for Research on Children and Families (CRCF) in 2007 with eight years of experience as a child welfare and mental health social worker, and was appointed Associate Director of the CRCF from 2012 to 2014. Tonino is currently an Adjunct Professor at and Assistant Professor at University of Montreal, and nominated for a Tier II Canadian Research Chair in Social Services for Vulnerable Children and Families.
His research focuses on the well-being of maltreated children in out-of-home care and ways of building child welfare agencies capacity to analyze clinical-administrative and population data in order to plan and evaluate their programs and services. His participatory and applied community-based research, conducted in collaboration with all child welfare agencies across the province of Quebec, led to a series of longitudinal province-wide studies of children’s placement trajectories in the Quebec child welfare system. These studies demonstrate that the majority of children served by the Québec child welfare system are not placed in out-of-home care, and the majority of those who are placed experience less than one placement change and return to live with their families within less than six months of initial out-of-home placement. Combined, the three studies suggest that there are two discrete age-specific sub-groups who experience problematic placement outcomes, one described as younger children living in unsafe environments due to family difficulties and a lack of appropriate and adequate parental care and the other described as older children manifesting child-specific high risk behaviours which compromise their safety and/or the safety of others, as well as their development. However, all children, irrespective of age, are less likely to reunify with their families if they were placed as a result of parent’s high risk behaviours and a lack of appropriate and adequate parental care. These studies also confirm the association between youth criminal behaviours and older children’s increased chances of changing placements and decreased chances of reunifying. Lastly, these studies suggest that neighbourhood area socioeconomic disadvantages increase the risk of experiencing problematic placement outcomes, suggesting that an increase in neighbourhood area socioeconomic disadvantages significantly increases children’s chances of placement, placement changes (only for older children) and decrease their chances of returning to live with their families.
Tonino is currently launching a series of new collaborative studies with the Association des Centre Jeunesse du Québec to further understand (1) the moderating effects of out-of-home placement on youth criminality, and (2) the influence of neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantages on child welfare service outcomes.
University Degrees
- Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.), School of Social Work, , 2007-2012
- Master of Social Work (MSW), , 2006-2007
- Bachelor of Social Work (BSW), , 2003-2006
2013 – 2014 Director's Prize for Outstanding Research in Social Work ($1000).
2012 – 2013 Wolfe Graduate Fellowship, , ($8000).
2009 – 2012 Fonds de recherché sur la société et la culture, Québec, ($60,000).
2008 – 2009 Principal’s Graduate Award, , ($15,000).;&
2007 – 2008 Hazeldine Smith Bishop Fellowship, , ($15,000).
2006 – 2007 PIBE, Centre jeunesse de Québec, ($6000).
2006 – 2007 Margaret Mary Burns Award, , ($8000).
2005 – 2006 Member of the Golden Key International Honour Society, Chapter.
Research funding
2012 – 2014 Co-investigator (Esposito & Trocmé), l’Association des centres jeunesse du Québec,Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique en protection jeunesse. ($96,000).
2010 – 2011 Co-investigator (Esposito & Trocmé), l’Association des centres jeunesse du Québec,Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique en protection jeunesse. ($76,000).
2012 – 2018 Status change to co-investigator in progress (Trocmé, N.—Principal), Building Research Capacity with First Nations and Mainstream Youth Protection Services in Quebec. Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada. ($1,560,352).
2014 – 2016 Principal investigator. The impact of neighbourhood socioeconomic disadvantages on child protection service outcomes, Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada.Insight Development Grant. ($74,000—submitted).
Research Affliliations
2010 – Present Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique — Association des centres jeunesse du Québec.
2009 – Present Member, L’observatoire sur les mauvais traitements envers les enfants, Centre universitaire Montréal.
2007 – 2009 PhD student on the Board of Directors, Centre for Research on Children and Families, .
2007 – Present Journal Watch, Factor-Inwentash, Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.
2006 – Present Member, Centre for Research on Child & Families, .
Journal Article & Book Chapter (Peer Reviewed Publications)
Esposito, T., Trocmé, N., Chabot, M., Shlonsky, A., Collin-Vézina, D., & Sinha, V. (submitted). Family reunification for placed children in Québec: A longitudinal study. Children and Youth Services Review. 32p.
Esposito, T., Trocmé, N., Chabot, M., Shlonsky, A., Collin-Vézina, D., & Sinha, V. (2014). The stability of child protection placements in Québec, Canada. Children and Youth Services Review 42(1), 10-19.
Trocmé, N., Milne, L., Esposito, T., Laurendeau, C., & Gervais, M.-J. (2014). Supporting evidence based management in child welfare: A Canadian university-agency collaboration. In A. Shlonsky & R. Benbenishty (Eds.) From Evidence to Outcomes in Child Welfare: An International Reader. Oxford University Press, 171-188.
Esposito, T., Trocmé, N., Chabot, M., Shlonsky, A., Collin-Vézina, D., & Sinha, V. (2013). Placement of children in out-of-home care in Québec, Canada: When and for whom initial out-of-home placement is most likely to occur. Children and Youth Services Review 35(12), 2031-2039.
Esposito. T., Trocmé, N., Chabot, M., Duret, A., Gaumond, C. (in press, 2012). Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique en protection jeunesse? Jeunesse en tête: au-delà des risques, les besoins de développement des enfants, Presses du l'Université du Québec.
Trocmé. N., Esposito. T. (2011). Comment mesurer l’impacte de la protection de la jeunesse? Le Point en administration de la sante et service sociaux, 7(2), 48-53.
Trocmé, N., Fallon, B., MacLaurin, B., Chamberland, C., Chabot, M., & Esposito, T. (2011). Shifting definitions of emotional maltreatment: An analysis child welfare investigation laws and practices in Canada. Child Abuse & Neglect, 35, 831– 840
Book Review (Peer Reviewed Publications)Esposito, T. (2010). Take Me Home Protecting, America's Vulnerable Children and Families. Jill Duerr Berrick New York, Oxford University Press, Inc., ISBN 978-0-19-532262-0 1 Children and Youth Services Review, 32(4), pages 635-636. Ms. Ref. No.: CYSR-D-09-00201
Conference Presentation (Peer Reviewed Presentations)
Esposito, T. (accepted, October 27 & 28, 2014). Trois initiatives de recherché utilisant des indicateurs du projet “Gestion fondée sur les indicateurs de suivi Clinique”.Congrés de ;’Association des centres jeunesse du Québec. Sheraton, Montréal, Québec.
Milne L., Esposito, T., Nutton, J. (accepted, June 13, 2014). Building research capacity within child welfare agencies: Innovative ways of supporting child welfare agencies through participatory research collaborations. American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) 22nd Annual Colloquium, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Esposito, T. (invited speaker, May 14, 2014). Les trajectoires de placement des enfants en protection de la jeunesse au Québec. Association Francophone pour le Savoir, Montréal, Québec.
Esposito, T. (invited keynote speaker, March 11, 2013). Better understand to better serve: Child protection service trajectories. Intervention communautaire orientée à la formation parentale. Social Action Foundation, Barcelona, Spain.
Esposito, T. (invited speaker, February 28 - March 1, 2013). Gestion axée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique. Symposium: Management, qualité et innovation: Est-il possible de gérer la qualité? L’Hôtel Marriott, Ottawa, Canada.
Esposito, T. (symposium presentation, January 16-20, 2013). Out-of-home placement admissions for Black and Aboriginal children investigated by child protection services in Québec. Social Work for a Just Society: Making Visible the Stakes and Stakeholders. Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR) 17th Annual Conference. San Diego, California.
Esposito, T. (invited panel presenter, October 31, 2012). Le point sur l’évaluation dans les services sociaux. Hôtel Hilton de Québec. RUIJ, Congrès Association des Centres Jeunesse du Québec.
Esposito, T., Gaumont, C. (October 29, 2012). Documenter les « trajectoires de services » en centres jeunesse afin de mieux orienter les programmes et accroître la performance. Congrès association des centres jeunesse du Québec. Centre des congrès de Québec
Esposito. T., Trocmé, N. (accepted by not attended, July 10, 2012). The use of service statistics in child protection. International 2nd Joint World Conference on Social Work and Social Development: Action and Impact, Stockholm.
Rothwell, D., Han, D., Esposito. T. (speaker, June 27-30, 2012). An exploration of the organizational climates of Singapore’s Family Service Centres. International Consortium for Social Development. Asia Pacific conference, Indonesia.
Esposito, T. Trocmé, N. (invited speaker, June 13, 2012). Gestion axée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique: mieux comprendre pour mieux server. Webinar series launched by The Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) and UNICEF.
Esposito, T. (invited keynote speaker, June 5, 2012). Gestion axée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique pour le centre jeunesse Laval. Colloque des conseils d’administration, Montréal, Québec.
Esposito, T. Trocmé, N. (invited speaker, May 30, 2012). The use of service statistics in child protection: better understand to better serve. Webinar series launched by The Child Welfare League of Canada (CWLC) and UNICEF.
Esposito, T. (speaker, July 20, 2011). The use of service statistics in child protection. National Research Conference on Child and Family Programs and Policy. in Massachusetts.
Esposito, T. (invited speaker, February 9, 2011). Guider orienter influencer la recherche sur les jeunes en difficulté et leur famille. Séminaire axé sur l’application des connaissances et sur l’identification des priorités de recherche. Hôtel Sheraton Laval, Québec.
Esposito, T., Tremblay, C. (speaker, October 26, 2010). Vers une gestion axe sur les indicateurs et les effets du suivi clinique en centre jeunesse. Jeunesse en tête, au-delà du risque les besoins de développement. Congrès Association des Centres Jeunesse du Québec.
Trocmé, N., Douek, M., Esposito, T., Chabot, M. (speaker, September 24, 2010). La performance axée sur la finalité de l’intervention. Association des centres jeunesse du Québec. Colloque des conseils d’administration. Centre Jeunesse de Laval.
Esposito, T. (speaker, June 1, 2010). Developing an organizational culture for the use of evidence in child welfare. Presented at the International conference on Families and Communities, Intersections and Connections (CASWE-ACFTS May30th - June 2nd, 2010). Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec.
Professional PublicationsTrocmé, N., Esposito, T., Wegner-Lohin, J. & Miller, R. (February, 2014).Tracking court use at Batshaw Youth and Family Centres & across Québec. In-The-Know. Vol.3(2), 1-2.
Trocmé, N., Esposito, T., Chabot, M., Duret, A., Gaumont, C., (November, 2013). Rapport synthèse –Gestion axée sur les indicateurs de suivi clinique, données Québécoise, .
Esposito, T., Wegner-Lohin, J., Trocmé, N., Gallo, S. (October, 2013). Tracking child welfare placement outcomes at BYFC and across Québec. In-the-Know. Vol.3 (1).
Wegner-Lohin, J., Trocmé, N., Shlonsky, A., Esposito, T. (October, 2013). National Child Welfare Outcomes Indicator Matrix: NOM Phase 6 Data Report. Centre for Research on Children and Families.
Esposito, T., Trocmé, N., Coughlin, L., Chabot, M. (January, 2012). Time to permanence: Where do children in out-of-home care end up and how long does it take? In-the-Know. Vol.2 (5).
Coughlin, L., Esposito, T., Trocmé, N. (December, 2010). Out-of-home Placement. In-the-Know. Vol.2 (3).
Coughlin, L., Esposito, T., Milne, L., Trocmé, T. (February, 2010). School Delay. In-the-Know. Vol.1 (5).
Trocmé, N., Esposito, T., Coughlin, L., Chabot, M., Coughlin, L. (November, 2009). Court use. In-the-Know. Vol.1 (4).