Identify opportunities and apply for funding (e.g., fellowships, grants, scholarships). Manage finances and risks. Estimate costs and deliver projects on-budget.
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Understanding Finances & Funding
Financial literacy is the possession of knowledge and skills required for effective money management, which includes making informed economic and financial decisions at the personal and/or professional levels. [] The process of funding implicates locating and securing financial resources to fund particular needs or projects, normally for a designated period of time. []The sources of funding in academia are either internal (from a department or unit within the institution) or external (through government agencies orprivate donors). Funding can be allocated to students, postdoctoral fellows, and medical residents as scholarships or fellowships. Other sources of funding include grants and stipends.
Why does it matter?
A survey showed that 40% of Canadians identified money as their highest source of stress, greater than work, health, and relationships. []In addition to paying for life's necessities, graduate students have tuition and fees to add to their financial burden. Research has shown that greater financial literacy, ranging from savings and budgeting strategies to debt management, helps improve mental and physical health while increasing productivity.[] Additionally, enhancing your financial education will help you to efficiently locate funding sources and learn about your financial rights (e.g., student stipends are non-taxable, earning tax credits, fee waivers). While typically linked with project management skills (e.g., delivering on budget), financial literacy is considered an asset for jobs in a variety of fields. []
In addition to financial benefits, successfully applying for or earning monetary awards are regarded as academic achievements that could boost your resumé and your chances for getting additional funding opportunities later stages in your career.
Cultivating Financial Literacy and Funding Knowledge
Many financial institutions, services, and funding agencies offer training and tools to assist students in learning how to manage their finances and to identify funding opportunities (e.g., university student aid offices, bank financial advisors, or web applications). Knowledge of budgeting strategies and debt management is critical for students—a population that generally receives a modest income while studying and has loans to repay following graduation. Estimating your current and potential financial resources (e.g., part-time income, government student loans, family, fellowships, scholarships, and lines of credit) is the first step in budgeting. To manage your debt, Scholarships and Student Aid suggests a number of . If you have any government loans that you acquired during a previous program, but don’t have any currently, the Scholarships and Student Aid Office can assist you with confirming your interest-free status and understanding your repayment responsibilities.
Students are advised to seek out information from funding agencies directly or through services offered to students. On- and off-campus information sessions, such as those given by federal funding agencies, provide a wealth of information about available opportunities and submission procedures. Attend grant writing workshops to learn how to write a persuasive funding proposal. Consider learning about the reviewing process of funding proposals to identify reviewers’ expectations and to better understand their perspective when they are assessing your proposal.[]Consult theTaking Action section for suggestions.
Quick Guide to Finances & Funding
- Identify gaps in your finance knowledge and seek out training and/or resources to support growth in areas that are important to your financial health
- Develop your financial planning andmanagement skills,and respect budget limits
- Understand the principles of financial management and develop commercial awareness: i.e., the understanding of how a business makes money, what customers want, and what problems exist within abusiness areas[]
- Develop youroral and written communication skillsto draft more persuasive funding proposals
- Identify relevant funding opportunities and procedures (e.g., application requirements, deadlines)
Taking action
- Workshops –: A list of workshops whereyou will learn how to calculate costs, buildabudget,prepare taxes,managedebt andfinance.
- Workshops – SKILLSETS – WouldYou Fund It?:An opportunity to have your two-page project summary reviewed by a former Tri-council or Quebec committee reviewerin a30 minuteconsultation session.Multiple sessions held each fall.
- Workshops – SKILLSETS – Financial Skills for the Real World Series:A series ofworkshopsdesigned to help you improve your financial literacy.Topics range from managing debit to investing to children & money.Can be taken as individual sessions or as a series.
- Workshops – SKILLSETS – 3MT/MT180 Competition & Training Sessions:This university-wide training program will teach you how to present your research in English or French to a non-specialist audience,in three minutes or less! Participants will compete for cash prizes and the opportunity to advance to the regional, nationalandinternational levels of this world-wide competition. 3MT/MT180 happens once a year in thewinter semester and is a great opportunity to develop your ability to pitch your research to future investors, funding agencies and stakeholders.
- Workshops – Future Graduate Students – Funding Presentations: A list of info sessions on how to find and apply for funding and external fellowships.
- Workshops – Research and Innovation – Workshops and Events:A list of grant programs and grant application info sessions.
- Courses – School of Continuing Studies –Accounting &Finance Courses: A variety of course selections to help students acquire fundamental and advanced finance knowledge. This includes part-time courses, summer courses, online courses, workshops and certificate program, with credit and non-credit options.
- Graphos–Writing a Strong Fellowship Application
- Checkfor upcoming workshops and programs underthe“LeadProjects: Finance & Funding”Category.
Scholarshipsand Student Aid – Your Finances–This site offers tools and resources to help you develop your financial wellness.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies – Funding:a list of opportunities for Graduate students and Postdoctoral fellows
Resources for Preparing Grant Applications – Research and Innovation:offers resources on the grant writing process.
: once you’ve completed the quiz, you will receive customized money management resources and events suggestions based on the identified knowledge and skill gaps.
:resources, events, tools and information on budgeting, money management, insurance, saving, investing, and taxes from various Canadian organizations. Resources by population or topic.
: offers advice and tools for financial management, promotes financial education, and raises consumers’ awareness of their rights and responsibilities.
Books, articles & reports
Browning, B. A. (2009).Grant writing for dummies. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
O'Neal-McElrath, T. (2013).Winning Grants Step by Step: The Complete Workbook for Planning, Developing and Writing Successful Proposals. Hoboken: Wiley.
Tyson, E. (2012).Personal finance for dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Ramsey, D. (2013).The total money makeover: A proven plan for financial fitness.
Pogue, D. (2016).Pogue's basics: money: Essential tips and shortcuts (that no one bothers to tell you) about beating the system.
Funding databases & resources
Scholarships and Student Aid: Funding resources for Graduate Students, Postdoctorals, International Students, University-Wide Funding, and other funding.
: A list of scholarships, grants, bursaries, and other financial assistance for Canadian students.
: A list of scholarships, grants, bursaries and other financial assistance for international students.
: A list of merit-based scholarships for students.
: A list of programs and resources to find financial assistance in Canada.