PRAXIS is a weekly co-working and professional development opportunity hosted by the English Graduate Student Association.
Connected Academics for AES - Developing Writing Skills: Challenges and Resources
Get advice on developing academic writing skills and developing good writing habits in grad school. All AES graduate students are welcome to attend. Pizza will be provided.
PRAXIS is a weekly co-working and professional development opportunity hosted by the English Graduate Student Association.
Connected Academics for AES - What is a Professional Path After Your Graduate Degree
Learn how to plan for a meaningful career after grad school.
PRAXIS is a weekly co-working and professional development opportunity hosted by the English Graduate Student Association.
Connected Academics for AES - Applying for Funding: Planning for Next Year
Applying for funding can be challenging and time-consuming. So, it is better to start planning well in advance! Learn from past applicants and evaluators and get tips on how to make your application stand out.