
Katherine Hill

Academic title(s): 

PhD Student

Katherine Hill
Dr. Laura Gonnerman (Supervisor)
Contact Information
Email address: 
katherine.hill2 [at] mail.mcgill.ca

B.Sc. Psychology; Linguistics

Current research: 

My research interests include morphological processing, language development, and bilingualism. My current research examines how morphological representations develop from childhood to adulthood in first and second language speakers of English and French using cross-modal morphological priming. 

Selected publications: 

Kolne, K., Hill, K., & Gonnerman, L. (2013, January). The role of morphology in spelling: Long-term effects of training. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 35, No. 35).

Awards, honours, and fellowships: 

2015 SSHRC CGS-M: Canada Graduate Scholarship (Masters)

PhD Student
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