Faculty of Science, Meeting of Faculty
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
3:00- 5:00, Leacock Council Room (232)
Agenda - May 24, 2005 [.pdf]
Minutes of April 5, 2005 - S-04-31 [.pdf]
Reports of Committees
a) Faculty of Science Excellence Award - Prof. Tim Moore
b) Leo Yaffe Award - Prof. A. Williams-Jones
c) Scholarships - Associate Dean Leighton
- Scholarship Committee S-04-34 To be Tabled
- Alan Shaver Scholarship in Science - S-04-33Ìý [.pdf]
d) Committee on Student Standing S-04-37 To be Tabled
e) Academic Committee - S-04-38Ìý [.pdf]
f) Other Reports or Academic Business
Work Group on Women Professors' Academic Careers
(Draft Report, For Discussion Only) - Prof. L. Hendren
Draft Report - S-04-39Ìý [.pdf]
Candidates for Degrees
a) Bachelor of Science S-04-34 To be Tabled
b) Diploma in Environment S-04-35 To be Tabled
c) Diploma in Meteorology S-04-36 To be Tabled
Results of Science Election for Senate - S-04-40 [.pdf]
Schedule of Meeting Dates - S-04-41 [.pdf]
Academic Committee Documents
New Programs
B.Sc.; Major in Neuroscience - AC-04-148Ìý [.pdf]
Major Program Changes
New Courses
ANAT 499 - AC-04-146 [.pdf]
ANAT 499 - Supervised Library Research
BIOL 510 - AC-04-141 (Revised) [.pdf]
BIOL 510 - Advances in Community Ecology
Major Course Changes
Minor Course Changes (For Information Only)
Minor Course Changes - AC-04-144 Revised 2 [.pdf]
Report on Minor Course Changes
1) Psychology
PSYC 304- MCC-04-53 [.pdf]
PSYC 308 - MCC-04-54 [.pdf]
2) Mathematics
MATH 574 - MCC-04-55 [.pdf]
MATH 578 - MCC-04-56 [.pdf]
MATH 579 - MCC-04-57 [.pdf]
MATH 211 - MCC-04-58 [.pdf]
MATH 333 - MCC-04-59 [.pdf]
3) Physics
Course retirements
PHYS 208 Intro Sel Topics in Physics
PHYS 248 Physics of Energy
PHYS 355 Mathematical Physics
PHYS 427 Computations in Physics
PHYS 602D1 Basic Physics - H.S. Teacher
PHYS 604D1 Modern Physics
PHYS 612 Adv Mathematical Physics 1
PHYS 613 Adv Mathematical Physics 2
PHYS 617 Ice Physics
PHYS 619 Theoretical Solid State Phys
4) Computer Science
COMP 420 - MCC-04-61 [.pdf]
COMP 360 - MCC-04-62 [.pdf]
COMP 303 - MCC-04-63 [.pdf]
COMP 361 - MCC-04-64 [.pdf]
COMP 507 - MCC-04-65 [.pdf]
Minor Course Changes - AC-04-159 [.pdf]
Report on Minor Course Changes
1) Psychology
PSYC 413 - MCC-04-66 [.pdf]
2) Mathematics and Statistics
MATH 327 - MCC-04-67 [.pdf]
MATH 387 - MCC-04-68 [.pdf]
MATH 397 - MCC-04-69 [.pdf]
Minor Program Changes (For Information)
Report on Minor Program Changes - AC-04-P6 [.pdf]
1) B.Sc.; Biochemistry
Faculty Program in Biochemistry - AC-04-149 [.pdf]
2) B.A. & Sc.; Biomedical Sciences
B.A. & Sc., Major Concentration, Biomedical Sciences - AC-04-150 [.pdf]
3) B.Sc.; Computer Science
B.Sc. Major, Computer Science - AC-04-151 [.pdf]
B.Sc. Major, Software Engineering - AC-04-152 [.pdf]
B.Sc. Honours, Computer Science - AC-04-153 [.pdf]
For Approval
Admission Standards for Canadian High-School Applicants - AC-04-155 [.pdf]
For Information Only
1) Academic Program Review - Program Study Group Memberships - AC-04-156 [.pdf]
2) Admissions Data - AC-04-157 [.pdf]