

The Revolution is Female: Myanmar’s Women Fighting Against Min Aung Hlaing’s Junta | Australian Institute of International Affairs

June 7th, 2023 | In this article, Isabella Aung shows how civil activism in Myanmar against the military junta is being increasingly led by women. Despite overwhelming odds, they are beginning to have impact. Southeast Asia has been facing a significant authoritarian turn in the past decade.

Published: 7 Jun 2023

Iconic war images and the myth of the ‘good American Soldier’ | Media, War & Conflict

May 23rd, 2023 | This article explores the ‘good American soldier’ as a gendered ideal type shaped by, and reproductive of, myths about American military success, romantic notions of small-town working and white America, notions of heterosexual virility, and ableist stereotypes about personal resilience.

Published: 23 May 2023

Seeking Inclusion, Breeding Exclusion? The UN’s WPS Agenda and the Syrian Peace Talks | International Negotiation

May 19th, 2023 | In this article, Dr. Marie-Joëlle Zahar analyzes the Women’s Advisory Board (WAB) to the UN Special Envoy for Syria, a unique mechanism designed to include women in peace processes. Has the WAB fulfilled its objective? Based on ethnographic material, and primary and secondary sources, we argue that the WAB fostered a sentiment of exclusion among some of its members and of the broader spectrum of Syrian women’s organizations.

Published: 19 May 2023

Women and Peace Negotiations: Looking Forward, Looking Back | International Negotiation

May 9th, 2023 | Despite the global norm favoring women’s participation in peace negotiations, women continue to face constraints in accessing, influencing, and benefitting from peace settlements.

Published: 9 May 2023

Neither the Global North nor the Global South: locating the post-Soviet space in/out of the Women, Peace and Security agenda | International Feminist Journal of Politics

April 25, 2023 | In this article, Bénédicte Santoire argues that the post-Soviet space has been erased from the WPS literature because – as elsewhere in the social sciences – the end of the Cold War rearranged the East/West geopolitical imaginaries into a Global North/Global South divide. Consequently, this epistemic gap creates an incomplete picture of the WPS agenda as a whole.

Published: 25 Apr 2023

Disrupting the Saviour Politics in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in the Global South: Grassroots Women Creating Gender Norms in Nepal and Sri Lanka | Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs

April 5th, 2023 | Dr. Luna KC and Dr. Chrystal Whetstone argue that grassroots Global South women, despite their marginalisation, are global gender norms actors and deserve greater decision-making power on the local and international stages. They show how the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and the broader WPS agenda focus on global gender norms construction in Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Published: 5 Apr 2023

Building National Identity through Schooling and Language Policies: Burmanization as a Diversity Management Strategy | Student Strategy & Security Journal

March 23rd, 2023 | In this article, Isabella Aung discusses the importance of policy making around languageand education in building a common national identity, using the case study of Myanmar from 1962 to the present day.

Published: 23 Mar 2023

Deploying Feminism The Role of Gender in NATO Military Operations | Oxford University Press

February 16th, 2023 | In this book, Stéfanie Von Hlatky gives a detailed account, based on fieldwork and interviews, of how Women, Peace and Security norms are militarized and put at the service of operational effectiveness.

Purchase here.

Published: 16 Feb 2023

Broken Pathways to Politics: Clearing a Path from Grassroots to Representative Politics | Journal of Women, Politics & Policy

February 10, 2023 | This article seeks to explain why so few women make the journey from social activism and community work to standing for election. Comparative research in Indonesia and Sri Lanka reveals four operations critical to mending the broken pathway to politics for non-elite women. Transference entails the recognition and valuing of women’s preexisting skills, knowledge and experiences gained through grassroots activity for the political field.

Published: 10 Feb 2023

Shifting Authority: Indigenous Law-Making and State Governance | Journal of International Studies

February 7, 2023 | In this article, Leah Sarson examines the context of Canada’s extractive sector, where I question how and when Indigenous laws prevail over state laws to challenge colonial authority and reassert Indigenous self-determination. By highlighting new sites of authority and resistance, this work underscores the transformative possibilities of Indigenous politics.

Read the article.

Published: 7 Feb 2023

Women, Peace and Security governance in the Asia - Pacific: a multi-sclar field of discourse and practice | International Affairs

February 1st, 2023 | The UN's Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda is now over 20 years old, yet much of the Asia–Pacific has been slow to engage in formalized WPS work at national and regional scales. In this article, Stéphanie Martel, Jennifer Mustafa, and Sarah E.

Published: 1 Feb 2023

Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, Hate Speech, and Terrorism: A Risk Assessment on the Rise of the Incel Rebellion in Canada | Violence Against Women Journal

December 7th, 2022 | In this article, Esli Chan reveals that Canadian violent extremism frameworks minimize online GBV as a form of extremism. GBV, which extends from online to offline realities, is not captured in theoretical frameworks for terrorism and hate speech.

Read the article.

Published: 7 Dec 2022

From Peace Talks to Parliaments: The Microprocesses Propelling Women into Formal Politics Following War - International Negotiation

October 14th, 2022 | In this article, Miriam Anderson and Marc Y. Valade find that women’s civil society built social networks reliant on cross-ethnic collaboration and the support of international actors during the peace negotiations. With the aid of those networks, they successfully entered formal politics and passed pro-women legislation, where they developed cross-party alliances and maintained close relationships with civil society, increasing their effectiveness in parliament.

Published: 14 Oct 2022

A feminist opening of resilience: Elizabeth Grosz, Liberian Peace Huts and IR critiques | Journal of International Relations and Development

August 17th, 2022 | In this article, Dr. Maria Martin de Almagro and Dr. Pol Bargués identify that resilience has often been reduced to an egalitarian project—where mechanical policies and schemes are deployed to ameliorate the conditions of women, enhance their participation in decision-making and pursue the equality between women and men—to advance in sustaining peace.

Published: 17 Aug 2022

Résolution 1325 et gouvernance globale : L’agenda Femmes, Paix et Sécurité (FPS) en tant que norme internationale | Etudes internationales

Le 11 août 2022 | Cet essai de Bénédicte Santoire interroge, après une revue littéraire de trois grands ouvrages portant sur l'agenda Femmes, Paix, et Sécurité, l'applicabilité de cet agenda en adoptant un point de vue constructiviste et féministe critique, relève les diverses interprétations qui lui sont appliquées, et met en exergue les critiques et les défis à venir pour la prochaine décennie.

Published: 11 Aug 2022


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