

Researcher to address gender based violence with Government of Canada grant

Published: 12 August 2021

On August 6, the Honourable Maryam Monsef, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Rural Economic Development announced agreements that will see almost $200 million over two years flow to shelters, sexual assault centres and organizations supporting women and children experiencing violence. This will ensure these critical front-line organizations can continue to provide life-saving services and supports to those who need it most. To swiftly deliver these much-needed funds across the country, Women and Gender Equality Canada will work with Womenā€™s Shelters Canada, Canadian Womenā€™s Foundation and with the Government of QuĆ©bec.

The ŗ«¹śĀćĪč led project, Pathways2Equity: Youthā€led, Indigenousā€Focussed, Genderā€Transformative, Artsā€Based Approaches to Challenging Gender Norms in Addressing Gender Based Violence, was funded $713,170 as part of the announcement. Prof Claudia Mitchell of the Department ofĀ Integrated Studies in Education, is the principal investigator on the project.

The projectĀ willĀ developĀ andĀ studyĀ a frameworkĀ forĀ addressingĀ harmfulĀ socialĀ norms and unhealthyĀ relationships with the goal of ending gender based violence.Ā Ā ThroughĀ artsā€basedĀ methods, researchersĀ willĀ workĀ  directlyĀ withĀ IndigenousĀ youthĀ betweenĀ theĀ agesĀ ofĀ 12ā€24 in three communities in Saskatchewan, Nova Scotia and the Northwest Territories, and in threeĀ partnering communities in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Quebec.

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The project aims to fosterĀ leadershipĀ ofĀ IndigenousĀ girlsĀ andĀ youngĀ women and toĀ developĀ strategiesĀ forĀ engagingĀ multiā€ageĀ groupingsĀ ofĀ boysĀ andĀ youngĀ menĀ to address gender based violence.

Methods will include creatingĀ localĀ andĀ culturallyĀ relevantĀ dialoguesĀ andĀ knowledgeā€sharingĀ events, andĀ usingĀ 'dialoguesā€throughā€theā€arts'Ā  approaches. Events willĀ involveĀ girlsĀ andĀ boysĀ learningĀ together with extended families and community members.Ā 

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