Capitalize on the Convergence: Call for Presenters
Workshop: Capitalize on the Convergence
Mark your calendars
The Office of the Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations), in partnership with the Faculties of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Dentistry, Engineering, Medicine, and Science, invites you to an exciting event devoted to highlighting and building interdisciplinary research collaborations between NSERC- and CIHR-related projects.
The event, called “Capitalize on the Convergence: Collaborations in Health Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering,” will take place on the morning of December 5 at the Faculty Club.
This half-day session will showcase both collaborative projects currently underway at and those with the potential for new interdisciplinary collaborations. The goal is to help researchers identify and develop projects that could eventually apply for internal or external seed funding.
A light breakfast, coffee break, and networking lunch will be provided.
Call for Presentation Abstracts and Poster Suggestions
If you are interested in presenting, you must submit a short abstract (250 words maximum; references optional). Please indicate whether your project has already established partnerships (“Current Synergy”) or if you see the potential for collaboration (“Opportunity for New Synergies”). Participating researchers will have 10 minutes to present their research to an audience of colleagues and students.
A poster session will follow the presentations. While the event’s presenters will be PIs, posters can be exhibited by students or other junior researchers. The posters should also emphasize projects with the potential for new or expanded collaboration across disciplines.
Please send your abstracts as well as the titles of any poster suggestions you have to linda.rice [at] by Wednesday, November 14, 2012.
We anticipate accepting 12 presenters and approximately 20 posters for December 5. Depending on the number of responses, this initial event may be expanded into a series of networking activities for researchers aiming to build their interdisciplinary collaborations.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to reading your abstracts and seeing you at “Capitalize on the Convergence.”
-- Rima Rozen, Associate Vice-Principal (Research and International Relations)