

Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et culture (FRQSC) Research Support for New Academics Program (Soutien à la recherche pour la relève professorale)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020 10:00to11:30

The purpose of the FRQSC Research Support for New Academics program is to enable the completion of an individual research project; help support a new generation of researchers and university instructors by assisting new academics embarking upon their careers in establishing themselves as independent researchers and becoming competitive at the national and international levels; consolidate the research system by supporting up-and-coming research academics and incite new research academics who are beginning their careers to develop original research avenues.

Emerging researchers in social sciences and humanities, arts and literature who are planning to apply to the upcoming FRQSC Research Support for New Academics 2020 competition are encouraged to attend this information session, which will include:

  • A brief introduction about the objectives and application requirements of the FRQSC Research Support for New Academics Program by Joanna Mastalerek, Grants and Agreements Officer, Office of Sponsored Research;
  • A presentation from Prof. Yvan Lamonde (Faculty of Arts) who will provide potential applicants with information about the peer-review system and share his insights for preparing a successful proposal;

A question and answer period where participants will be encouraged to raise any questions they may have about the program or the application process.


Please RSVP before Friday, June 15th, 2020 at the following link.

The meeting will not be recorded, but the presentation will be available after the meeting.

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