Decolonization and the Study of Religion Workshop (DSRW) Series
The Committee for the Decolonization and the Study of Religion Workshop (DSRW) Series is pleased to invite both graduate students and faculty members to its inaugural workshop: Decolonizing the Scholar, facilitated by Professor Yann Allard-Tremblay ().
The DSRW is a bi-monthly event series taking place throughout the Winter 2023 semester, organized by religious studies graduate students at both Concordia and universities. Each month we will hold two events: a reading seminar and a skills-based workshop, each led by invited faculty speakers, graduate students, or community facilitators specializing in research methods, classroom relationships, pedagogy, and public scholarship. The DSRW aims to familiarize participants with emergent decolonial discourses; to equip them with praxis-informed decolonial skills that can be used both within and beyond the classroom; and to facilitate the application of decolonization and Indigenization strategies within religious studies at the departmental level.
This opening event will introduce decolonization and Indigenization as an epistemological and pedagogical project, and explore how to apply decolonial values and skills to religious studies research and learning. The workshop, led by Professor Yann Allard-Tremblay, will be oriented around three articles:
- Larocque, Emma. 2015. ‘Foreword: “Resist No Longer”: Reflections on Resistance Writing and Teaching’. In More Will Sing Their Way to Freedom: Indigenous Resistance and Resurgence, edited by Elaine Coburn. Halifax & Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.
- Smith, Linda. 2012. ‘Chapter 3: Colonizing Knowledges’. In Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples, Second, 61–80. London: Bloomsbury.
- Klassen, Pamela E. 2020. ‘Back to the Land and Waters: Futures for the Study of Religions’. Religion 50 (1): 90–96. .
Although this event is concerned with the study of religion, we invite anybody interested or curious, from any intellectual background, to join this discussion. No prior knowledge of or exposure to decolonial methods are necessary: it will be a space for all to learn and collaboratively envision how to think and do otherwise. Registration is limited: please secure your place at
Light food and refreshments will be served. Please share any dietary restrictions on the registration page; we will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Any other questions and concerns can be directed to either Lucie Robathan or Jordan Molot, DSRW Co-Chairs: lucie.robathan [at] and jordan.molot [at]
This event series is sponsored by School of Religious Studies; Concordia Department of Religions and Cultures; Concordia Institute for Jewish Studies; and Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.