
Leonard Levin

Academic title(s): 


Leonard Levin
Neurology & Neurosurgery
Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Contact Information
Email address: 
leonard.levin [at] mcgill.ca
Areas of expertise: 

Dr. Levin’s laboratory studies computational approaches to problems in the pathophysiology and clinical aspects of neuro-ophthalmic diseases, using quantitative methods to gain insight into disease processes and health care. Examples include: 

  • Patient-level Markov chain simulation modeling of the progression of diabetic retinopathy in Quebec, in order to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of various screening methodologies.
  • Simulation of the spread of variance in the drug development process, in order to calculate the powering of translational studies B.
  • Modeling the diffusion of superoxide anion in the optic nerve of patients with a mitochondrial DNA mutation.
Research areas: 
Biological Modelling
Clinical Decision Analysis
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