
Nellie Siemers

The Four Facets of Mindful Eating Scale

Supervisor: Dr. Barbel Knauper

I am Nellie Siemers, and this year I worked with Dr. Knauper on the Four Facets of Mindful Eating Scale (FFaMES). This project looked at developing and validating a new scale to assess mindful eating. Our results demonstrated four distinct facets of mindful eating: Non-Reactance and Non-Judgement, which encompass the attitudinal features of mindful eating, as well as Extrospective Awareness and Introspective Awareness, which encompass the attentional features of mindful eating. Previous mindful eating scales focused mainly on the attentional components of mindful eating. However, our scale highlights the importance of attitudinal components. Our results suggest that the attitudinal features of mindful eating play a larger role than the attentional components in the ability to maintain weight over time as well as in reducing problematic eating behaviors and BMI.

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