Virtual Psychiatry Grand Rounds

Friday, June 19, 2020 11:00to12:00

Isolation and Connection in the Time of COVID-19, by Dr. Gerry Wiviott. This seminar will be held by Zoom /psychiatryCategory: Dept. of Psychiatry

Les effets de la pandémie chez la femme enceinte, Dr. Suzanne King, Quebec Science

Published: 11 June 2020

Suzanne King, professeur de psychiatrie à l’Université et chercheuse à l’Institut Douglas, connaît bien les conséquences des événements stressants chez les femmes enceintes. Elle s’est...

Opinion: Black community's hurt and anger transcends borders, Dr. Myrna Lashley, Montreal Gazette

Published: 3 June 2020

Once more there is turmoil in the streets of the United States and once more it is due to the interaction of police with the black citizens of the country. But this is no ordinary turmoil, this is...

Discussion sur la peur, Dr. Samuel Veissière, Ici-Radio-Canada

Published: 3 June 2020

Lors d'une catastrophe, comme une pandémie, la peur, émotion de survie absolument nécessaire, se trouve exacerbée. Cependant, nous ne sommes plus habitués au danger, selon l'anthropologue Samuel...

Dr. Myrna Lashley featured in Global News

Published: 3 June 2020

…Dr. Myrna Lashley, a psychologist and assistant professor in the department of psychiatry at , said she suspects the premier “doesn’t fully understand what systemic racism is.”...

Le pic en santé mentale n'est pas atteint, Dr. Turecki, Le Devoir

Published: 28 May 2020

Le chef de psychiatrie au CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, Gustavo Turecki, appréhende un bond des demandes de soutien en santé mentale de la part de la population durant la phase de...

Dr. Tina Montreuil featured in Reporter

Published: 15 May 2020

In the ongoing series of interviews with experts on COVID-19 issues, Tina Montreuil looks at the impact the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s mental health. She also discusses how to recognize...

Congratulations to Dr. Gabriella Gobbi, recipient of the Principal’s Prize for Public Engagement through Media

Published: 13 May 2020

Dr. Gabriella Gobbi was awarded the Principal’s Prize for Public Engagement through Media. This award is in recognition of outstanding achievement among those who share their expertise and research...


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