In this new episode on the power of Belief from popular science TV series Mind Field, Dr. Samuel Veissière, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and co-director of the Culture, Mind, and Brain program...
Le jeu Fortnite fait fureur et il peut faire peur à certains parents en raison du temps que leur enfant peut passer dessus. Quelles sont les conséquences des écrans et des jeux sur le cerveau? Y a...
How do the millions of people you never meet in the city put you at greater risk of psychosis? And does the built environment shape the social structure of the city in ways that impinge on illness...
Infertility is almost always thought of as a woman’s issue, and it’s true that women bear the greater burden of it. And yet up to 50% of cases in which couples can’t have babies are due in some way...
Until a year and a half ago, Samuel Veissiere's smartphone was the last thing he saw before he fell asleep and the first thing that greeted him when he woke up. During the day, the device bombarded...