The 16th Annual JGH Psychiatry Research Day will be hosted virtually on Friday, April 1 (9:00AM – 12:00PM)./psychiatryCategory: Dept. of Psychiatry
Freedom, Paternalism, and the Doctor-Patient Relationship after the Autonomy Debates...
Agression d’une jeune fille à Pointe-aux-Trembles | Parents et élèves sous le choc
COVID restrictions are lifting, but for some, anxiety remains...
Accueil des réfugiés en milieu scolaire - Des enfants à apaiser
/psychiatryCategory:Â Dept. of Psychiatry
Urban mental health beyond social relationships? Encountering as a heuristic for co-laborative interdisciplinary engagements between anthropology and psychiatry/psychiatryCategory:Â Dept. of Psychiatry
Behavioural, molecular and neural circuit effects of altered 5-HT transporter function...
Taking action in the face of emotional expressions: neurocognitive mechanisms in healthy and clinical samples/psychiatryCategory:Â Dept. of Psychiatry