T.V. Paul
Distinguished James Professor
- Honored with the Establishment of T.V. Paul Lecture Series in Peace and Security, Faculty of Arts, , May 2024.
- Best International Politics Course (Poli 360: Strategies of War and Peace), Political Science Students' Association, , April 2024.
- , 2024.
- Honored with the establishment of by the Global InternationalStudies Section (GIRS) of International Studies Association (ISA), May 2023.
- , Kerala State Higher Education Council, January-February 2023.
- Director (Founding), , 2019—.
- Fellow (Elected), Royal Society of Canada, September 2018.
- James Professorof international Relations.
- President, International Studies Association (ISA), 2016-2017.
- President-Elect, International Studies Association (ISA), 2015-2016.
- Erudite Fellow, Kerala State Higher Education Council, India, January 2016.
- Included in the A-List of 41 Most Influential Indo-Canadians and Friends of India, , Toronto, January 2015.
- Ambassador John Price and Marcia Price World Affairs Lecturer,Utah Council for CitizenDiplomacy, March 2014.
- The Ngee Ann Kongsi Professor (Visiting) of International Relations, S. Rajaratnam School ofInternational Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, August2014.
- Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum Distinguished Lecturer, Claremont-McKenna College,February 2014.
- Team Leader, Globalization and the National Security State Project (Won 4 Consecutive Team Grants from FQRSC- 2002-2017).
- Best Professor in International Relations, World Education Congress, Mumbai, June 2012.
- Vice President (Elected), International Studies Association (ISA), 2013-2014.
- KPS Menon Chair (Visiting) for Diplomatic Studies 2011-2012, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India.
- Honorary Member, The Golden Key International Honour Society (September 2011-).
- , A Television Interview Series with Leading Scholars and Practitioners, University of California, Berkeley, October 2009.
- Distinguished Award in Arts and Letters, Indian American Kerala Center, New York, November 2009.
- Ǵǰ,The Tradition of Non-use of Nuclear Weaponshas been Selected for Inclusion in the Peace Prize Laureate Exhibition Honoring President Barack Obama by the Nobel Peace Center, Oslo, November 2009.
- Faculty of Arts 2005 Award for High Distinction in Research, .
- James Chair, 2003.
- “Popular Professor,” Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities, 2005.
- Peace Scholar Award, U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington D.C., 1989.
- International Security
- India/Rising Powers
- International Relations Theory
- War & Conflict
- Nuclear Proliferation
- Regional Security
- Asia
- Comparative Politics (South Asia)
Editor, Georgetown University Press Book Series:
Team Leader: .
, (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2024.The New Cold War and Regional Orders in the 21st Century (co-editor and contributor with Markus Kornprobst), Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, forthcoming, 2025.
(Co-editor & Contributor with Anders Wivel and Kai He), Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2024, forthcoming.
, (Lead Editor and Contributor with Deborah Larson, Harold Trinkunas, Anders Wivel &, Ralf Emmers), New York: Oxford University Press, 2021.
(Editor and Contributor with Anders Wivel), Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, September, 2019.
(Editor and Contributor with Rajesh Basrur and Anit Mukherjee), London: Routledge, 2019.
(NewHaven: Yale University Press, September, 2018).
, HighBridge, Prince Frederik, MD, 2018.
(Editor and Contributor), Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, August, 2018.
South Asia Edition, Orient Blackswan, Hyderabad, 2019.
(Editor and Contributor), Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press,March 2016.
, Co-editor and Contributor with Deborah Larson and William Wohlforth (Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
(New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2014. South Asia (Except Pakistan) Edition: New Delhi: Random House India, 2014. Pakistan Edition: Karachi: Oxford University Press, 2014,, Kautilya Books, New Delhi, 2016.
, (Editor & Contributor), Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press (in paperback and hardcover editions, March 2012).
(Editor & Contributor), Stanford: Stanford University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2010 (South Asia Edition,, New Delhi, 2011).
(with Norrin Ripsman), New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2010.
(Co-editor and Contributor with Patrick M. Morgan and James J. Wirtz), Chicago: University of Chicago Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2009 (South Asia Edition,, New Delhi, 2011).
, Stanford: Stanford University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 2009 (South Asia Edition, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2011).
(Editor & Contributor), Cambridge, New York: Cambridge University Press (in paperback and hard cover editions, October 2005.
(, Fall 2006)
(Co-editor with James J. Wirtz and Michel Fortmann), Stanford: Stanford University Press, (in paperback and hardcover editions), September 2004.
(Co-editor and Contributor with G. John Ikenberry and John A. Hall), Princeton: Princeton University Press (in paperback and hardcover editions, 2003).
(with Baldev Raj Nayar), Cambridge, New York, Melbourne and New Delhi: Cambridge University Press 2003 (, 2005).
, Montreal, Kingston, London, Ithaca: -Queen's University Press (in paperback and hardcover editions), 2000. (Selected as 'Outstanding Academic Title' for 2001 - Choice Magazine, January 2002, and as a 'Book for Understanding' by the American Association of University Presses)
(Co-editor and contributor with John A. Hall). Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. 1999, 2000 (twice), 2001, 2002, 2003.
With Richard Harknett and James Wirtz. Ann Arbor: The University of Michig
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (in hardcover and paperback editions), 1994.
Visit for all my books.
Recent articles and chapters
- 2023: “The Specter of Deglobalization,” Current History, 122, no. 840 (January), 3-8.
- 2022: “Realism, Liberalism and Regional Order in East Asia: Toward a Hybrid Approach,” Pacific Review, 35, no.1 (Fall), 1028-48.
- 2022: “India’s Role in South Asia; A Regional Power with Global Ambitions,” in David Shambaugh ed., International Relations of Asia, 3rdnd edn.,(Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield), pp.161-186.
- 2022: “Building an Eclectic and Inclusive Global IR: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Գٳܰ,” Indian Journal of Politics and International Relations 12 (13),Jan-Feb, 38-45.
- 2021: “Globalization, De-globalization and Re-Globalization: Adapting Liberal InternationalOrder,” International Affairs, 97(5), Fall, 1599-1620.
- 2021: “Introduction: Globalization, De-globalization and the Liberal International Order,”International Affairs, 97(5), Fall (with Markus Kornpbrobst), 1305-16.
- 2021: “The Study of Peaceful Change in World Politics,” in Paul, Et. Al. eds. The OxfordHandbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations, New York: Oxford University Press, 3-27.
- 2021: “A New Research Agenda for the Study of Peaceful Change” (co-author) in Paul et al eds.The Oxford Handbook of Peaceful Change in International Relations, New York: Oxford University Press, pp.763-78.
- 2020: “Introduction: International Institutions and Peaceful Change,” (with Kai He and AndersWivel, Ethics and International Affairs, Winter, 34 (4), 457-59.
- 2020: “Soft Balancing, Institutions and Peaceful Change” (with Anders Wivel), Ethics andInternational Affairs, Winter, 34 (4), 473-85.
- 2020: “China’s Rise and Balance of Power Politics,” The Chinese Journal of InternationalPolitics (with Zhen Han),13(1), 1-26.
- 2020: “The Rise of China and the Emerging Order in the Indo-Pacific Region,” in Huiyun Feng and Kai He, eds. China’s Challenges and International Order Transition:Beyond the Thucydides Trap (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, forthcoming).
- 2019: “Theorizing India--US--China Strategic Triangle” (with Erik Underwood), India Review, Fall, forthcoming.
- 2019: “Exploring International Institutions and Power Politics,” (with Anders Wivel) in Wivel and Paul eds. International Institutions and Power Politics: Bridging theDivide (Georgetown University Press), pp.3-19.
- 2019: “Maximizing Security through International Institutions: Soft Balancing Strategies Reconsidered,” (with Anders Wivel) in Wivel and Paul eds. InternationalInstitutions and Power Politics: Bridging the Divide (Georgetown University Press), pp. 89-100.
- 2019: “Mitigating Security Dilemma in the Sino-Indian Rivalry,” in Rajesh Basrur, Anit Mukherjee, and T.V. Paul eds. India-China Maritime Competition: The SecurityDilemma at Sea(London: Routledge), pp.182-87.
- 2019: “The Indian Ocean and the India-China Security Dilemma”, with Rajesh Basrur, Anit Mukherjee, in Basrur, Mukherjee, Paul eds. India-China Maritime Competition:The Security Dilemma at Sea(London: Routledge), pp.1-9.
- 2019: “When Balance of Power Meets Globalization: China, India and the Small States of South Asia,” Politics, 39(1), pp. 50-63.
- 2019: “Revisiting the Security Dilemma through the Lens of India-China Relations” (with Rajesh Basrur and Anit Mukherjee), Asian Security, 15(1); pp.1-4.
- 2018: “Explaining Conflict and Cooperation in the Sino-Indian Rivalry,” in Paul ed., China-India.Rivalry in the Globalization Era(Washington DC: Georgetown University Press, pp.3-26.
- 2018: “Assessing Change in World Politics,” International Studies Review, forthcoming, 2018.
- 2017: “Recasting Statecraft: International Relations and Strategies of Peaceful Change,”International Studies Quarterly, 61(1), March, 1-13.
- 2016: "Nuclear Doctrines and Stable Strategic Relationships: The Case of South Asia" with Mahesh Shankar,International Affairs, 92(1); pp.1-20.
- 2016: “Self-Deterrence: Nuclear Weapons and the Enduring Credibility Challenge,”International Journal, 71(1): pp. 2-40.
- 2016: “The Accommodation of Rising Powers in World Politics,” in Paul ed.,Accommodating Rising Powers(Cambridge University Press), pp.3-32.
- 2016: “Nuclear Abolition: Strategic Context and Constraints,” in Nik Hynek and Michal Smetana eds.GlobalNuclear Disarmament: Strategic, Political, and Regional Perspectives(London: Routledge), 15-30.
- 2014: “Strategies for Managing China’s Rise,” Harvard Asia Quarterly, 16(2), Summer, 2014, 11-18.
- 2014: “India’s Soft Power in a Globalizing World,”Current History, 113(762) April, 157-62.
- 2014: “India’s Role in Asia: A Rising Regional Power,” in David Shambaugh and Michael Yahuda eds., International Relations of Asia 2nd edn., (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield).
- 2014: “Status and World Order” with Deborah Larson and William Wohlforth in Status in World Politics, Cambridge University Press, pp. 3-31.
- 2014: “Status Accommodation through Institutional Means: India’s Rise and the Global Order” with Mahesh Shankar in Status in World Politics, Cambridge University Press, pp. 165-191.
- 2012: “Regional Transformation in International Relations” in Paul ed., International Relations Theory and Regional Transformation, Cambridge University Press,pp. 3-21.
- 2011: “Disarmament Revisited: Is Nuclear Abolition Possible?”Journal of Strategic Studies,Vol. 35, No. 1,February, pp. 149-169.
- 2011: “Impact of Climatic Change on Indian Security: The Role of State Capacity,” inDaniel Moran ed.,Climate Change and National Security: A Country-level Analysis,Washington DC; Georgetown University Press, pp. 73-84.
- 2010: “Taboo or Tradition: The Non-Use of Nuclear Weapons in World Politics,” Review of International Studies, 6, October, pp. 853-863.
- 2010: “State Capacity and South Asia’s Perennial Insecurity Problems,” in Paul ed., South Asia’s Weak States: Understanding Regional Insecurity, Stanford University Press, pp. 3-27.
- 2010: “Transforming South Asia: Is a Pluralistic Security Community Feasible? With Theodore McLauchlin in Paul ed., South Asia’s Weak States: Understanding Regional Insecurity, Stanford University Press, pp. 293-311.
- 2010: “Integrating International Relations Studies in India to Global Scholarship,” International Studies, 46 (1-2), 129-45.
- 2010: “Foreign Policy Making in India: Looking for Theoretical Explanations,” With Mahesh Shankar, in Amitabh Mattoo and Happymon Jacob, eds., Shaping India's Foreign Policy: People, Politics and Places, New Delhi: Har-Anand Publishers, 46-77.
- 2009: “Complex Deterrence: An Introduction,” in Paul, Morgan, Wirtz eds., Complex Deterrence: Strategy in the Global Age, University of Chicago Press, Press, pp. 1-27.
- 2009: “Deterrence among Great Powers in an Era of Globalization,” in Paul, Morgan, Wirtz eds., Complex Deterrence: Strategy in the Global Age, University of Chicago Press, pp. 259-76.
- 2007: "Why the US-India Nuclear Accord is a Good Deal," (with Mahesh Shankar) Survival 49 (4), Winter:111-22.
- 2007: "The US.-India Nuclear Accord: Implications for the Non-Proliferation Regime," International Journal, Autumn, 2007: 845-61.
- 2006: “Why Has the India-Pakistan Rivalry Been So Enduring? Power Asymmetry and an Intractable Conflict,” Security Studies, 15(4) October-December, 600-630.
- 2005: “Soft Balancing in the Age of U.S. Primacy,” International Security, 30(1) Summer, pp. 46-71.
- 2005: “Globalization and the National Security State: A Framework for Analysis,” (with Norrin Ripsman) International Studies Review, 7(2) June, pp.199-227.
- 2005: “The Causes of the India-Pakistan Rivalry,” in Paul, ed., The India-Pakistan Conflict: An Enduring Rivalry, Cambridge University Press, pp.3-24.
- 2005: “South Asia’s Embedded Conflict: Understanding the India-Pakistan Rivalry” (with William Hogg), in Paul, ed., The India-Pakistan Conflict: An Enduring Rivalry, Cambridge University Press, pp.251-266.
- 2005: “The Risk of Nuclear War Does not Belong to History” in Raimo Vayrynen, ed., The Waning of Major War: London: Frank Cass, pp.113-132.
- 2005: “The National Security State and Global Terrorism: Why the State is Not Prepared for the New Kind of War,” in Ersel Aydinli and James N. Rosenau eds. Globalization, Security and the Nation-State, Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 49-64.
- 2004: “Under Pressure? Globalization and the National Security State,” Millennium, 33 (2), December, 355-380.
- 2004: “The Causes and Consequences of China-Pakistan Nuclear/Missile Collaboration,” in Lowell Dittmer ed., South Asia’s Nuclear Dilemma, New York: M.E. Sharpe, pp. 175-88.
- 2004: “The Enduring Axioms of Balance of Power Theory,” in Paul, Wirtz and Fortmann, eds., Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century, Stanford University Press, pp.1-25.
- 2004: “Balance of Power at the Turn of the New Գٳܰ,” (With Fortmann and Wirtz), in Paul, Wirtz and Fortmann, eds., Balance of Power: Theory and Practice in the 21st Century, Stanford University Press, pp. 360-74.
- 2003: “Chinese/Pakistani Nuclear/Missile Ties and Balance of Power Politics,” The Nonproliferation Review, 10 (2), Summer, 1-9.
- 2003: "States, Security Function and Global Social Forces," in Paul, Ikenberry, and Hall eds., The Nation-State in Question (Princeton University Press), 139-165.
- 2003: "Systemic Conditions and Security Cooperation: Explaining the Persistence of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime," Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 16(1), April 2003:135-55.
- 2002: "India, the International System and Nuclear Weapons," in Damodar Sardesai and Raju G.C. Thomas eds. Nuclear India in the 21st Century, New York: Palgrave (St. Martins and Macmillan) Publishers, 85-104.
- 1999: "Great Equalizers or Agents of Chaos? Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Emerging International Order," in International Order and the Future of World Politics, Cambridge University Press, 373-92.
- 1999: "Preconditions for Prudence: A Sociological Synthesis of Realism and Liberalism," (Co-authored with John A. Hall) in International Order and the Future of World Politics, Cambridge University Press, 67-77.
- 1999: "Introduction" (Co-authored with John A. Hall) in International Order and the Future of World Politics, Cambridge University Press, 1-15.
- 1999: "The State and the Future of World Politics," (Co-authored with John A. Hall) in International Order and the Future of World Politics, Cambridge University Press, 395-408.
- 1998: "The Systemic Bases of India's Challenge to the Global Nuclear Order," Non-Proliferation Review, Fall:1-11.
- 1998: "Power, Influence, and Nuclear Weapons: A Reassessment," in The Absolute Weapon Revisited, The University of Michigan Press, 19-46.
- 1998: (With Richard Harknett and James Wirtz) "Understanding Nuclear Weapons in a Transforming World," in The Absolute Weapon Revisited, The University of Michigan Press, 1-15.
- 1998: "The NPT and Power Transitions in the International System," in Raju Thomas ed., The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Regime: Prospects for the 21st Century, Houndmills & New York: Macmillan & St. Martin's Press, 59-77.
- 1997: "Nuclear Proliferation and Enduring Regional Conflicts," in Jaeshik Sohn ed., Peace Strategies for Global Community in the 21st Century, Seoul: Kyung Hee University Press, 703-716.
- 1996: "Strengthening the Non-Proliferation Regime: The Role of Coercive Sanctions," International Journal, 51(3) Summer:440-65.
- 1995: "Nuclear Taboo and War Initiation: Nuclear Weapons in Regional Conflicts," Journal of Conflict Resolution, 39(4), December, 696-717.
- 1995: "The Paradox of Power: Nuclear Weapons in a Changed World," Alternatives, 20(4), November, 479-500.
- 1995: "Time Pressure and War Initiation: Some Linkages," Canadian Journal of Political Science, 27(2) June, 255-76.
- 1992: "Influence through Arms Transfers: Lessons from the US-Pakistani Relationship," Asian Survey, 32(12) December, 1078-92.
Special Journal Issues
- 2021: ,” 97(5), Fall (co-editor with Markus Kornpbrobst).
- 2020: , Winter, Special Section on “International Institutions andPeaceful Change,” 34 (4) (co-editor with Kai He and Anders Wivel).
- 2019: , Spring, special Issue on “China-India Naval Competition,” (co-editor withRajesh Basrur and Anit Mukherjee).
- 2018: , 20(2, June 2018- on Understanding Change in World Politics(ISA Presidential Issue- Co-editor with J. Andrew Grant).
Select Media Appearances, Interviews, and Blogs
- Conversations on Peaceful Change-- An interview Series with Leading IR scholars by T.V. Paul, Founding Director of GRENPEC
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- Pakistan and Its Military.
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- Launch of the book: The Warrior State: Pakistan in the Contemporary World.
- Click here to read.
- Gulf Today Newspaper Report on Seminar at Gulf Research Center, Dubai (February 12, 2008).
- Opinion Page on India Today Magazine on Kashmir (December 18, 2006).
POLI 671International Relations Theory
Syllabus: POLI 671 Winter 2025 [.pdf]