
Surgical Scientist Program


Application process

The mission of the Surgical Scientist Program of the Department of Surgery is to train surgical scientists who will be the future leaders in academic surgery. The program funds one year of full-time research towards a graduate degree.

Please note that only RAMQ paid residents are eligible to apply to the Surgical Scientist Program. Residents applying/admitted to a Master’s or PhD program in Experimental Surgery () and Epidemiology () are eligible for funding. Applications for graduate degrees in other º«¹úÂãÎè Faculties will be considered in a case-by-case basis. Students must be enrolled in a degree program for a minimum of 12 months.


Step 1: Pre-application

Intention to apply: An email confirming your intention to apply for the Surgical Scientist Program should be sent to Domenica Cuzco at mcgillsurgicalscientist [at] gmail.com by September 15th of the previous year. In this email, you should include the following information:

Full name

Clinical division (residency program)

Intended graduate degree (Master’s/PhD)

Intended graduate program (Experimental Surgery/Epidemiology/Other)

Anticipated start date

Anticipated end date

Supervisor’s name

Co-Supervisor’s name (if applicable)

Project title

FRQS and CIHR application: To be eligible to apply for the Surgeon Scientist Program residents must have applied for the FRQS training award (Master's or Doctoral Training for Applicants with a Professional Degree) and the CIHR training award (Masters (CGS-M) or Doctoral (CGS-D) Canada Graduate Scholarship) in the same year. For example, for Surgeon Scientist Program support starting on July 1st 2020, the applicant is required to have already applied for the FRSQ award in October 2019 and the CIHR award in December 2019. These Applications are usually done at the beginning of the PGY2 year. Successful application for FRQS and CIHR support allows the program to support more residents.

For more information:

¹ó¸é²Ï³§:Ìý (see Masters or Doctoral training for applicants with a professional degree).

°ä±õ±á¸é:Ìý (see Master’s Award or Doctoral Research Award).

NOTE: FRSQ deadline is generally in mid-October and CIHR deadline is in early-December. The specific dates should be confirmed by the applicant.

Step 2: Full Application

The deadline for submission of your full application for the Surgical Scientist Program is December 9thfor graduate programs starting on July 1stof the following year.

The surgeon scientist application must include all the following documents:

Your full CIHR application including: summary page, study proposal and transcripts. A pdf file containing these documents can be obtained by clicking ‘Export application and attachments to PDF’ in the CIHR Research Portal website.

Your Canadian Common CV (CCV), Version ‘CIHR Academic’. A pdf file containing your CCV can be obtained by clicking ‘Preview’ in your CCV webpage.

Your main supervisor’s CCV, Version ‘CIHR Biosketch’. A pdf file containing your supervisor’s CCV can be obtained by clicking ‘Preview’ in his/her CCV webpage. If applicable, your co-supervisor’s CCV (Version CIHR Academic) should also be submitted.

Proof that you submitted applications for both FRSQ and CIHR awards (PDF copies of confirmation emails are acceptable). Only residents who have applied for FRSQ and CIHR support will be considered for funding by the Surgical Scientist Program.

Two reference letters: (1st) from your principal supervisor and (2nd) from another sponsor familiar with your academic and/or clinical work. Your referees may use the same letters submitted to CIHR. These letters should be submitted directly by the referees to Domenica Cunzo at mcgillsurgicalscientist [at] gmail.com by December 9th.

Please send all the documents (except the reference letters) as a single pdf file to Domenica Cunzo at mcgillsurgicalscientist [at] gmail.com by December 9th. Your pdf documents can be merged using  or other free online applications.

Step 3: Post-application

Surgeon Scientist applicants must also apply to the Clinician Investigator Program (CIP) of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. This is done through Dr. Nathalie Johnson (CIP Director, º«¹úÂãÎè) via e-mail: cip.med [at] mcgill.ca. For further information about the program, consult /pgme/files/pgme/cip_website_application_process_ma... or contact Roberta Tiscione (CIP Program Coordinator) at514-340-8222 ext. 24793. To apply for the CIP, you should submit a proof of application to the Surgeon Scientist Program (e.g. copy of your submission email). After applying for CIP, we require that you submit a proof of application to Domenica Cunzo at mcgillsurgicalscientist [at] gmail.com by December 15.

A progress report from successful candidates will be required by December 1st of the following year. Your progress must be acceptable to the committee to allow continuation of funding.

Liane S. Feldman, M.D.
Director, Surgical Scientist Program

Julio F Fiore Junior, PhD
Co-Director, Surgical Scientist Program

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