netrin /newsroom/taxonomy/term/7063/all en Key molecule responsible for learning and memory discovered /newsroom/channels/news/key-molecule-responsible-learning-and-memory-discovered-291381 <p>Unlike old dogs, old adults can indeed learn new tricks thanks to a protein molecule called netrin.</p> <p>Netrin is known to help set up the healthy nervous system in an infant’s developing brain by directing brain cells to make appropriate connections with other brain cells. New research conducted by scientists at The Neuro has found that netrin in the adult brain can make neural connections stronger, which is crucial not only for learning new tricks but also for maintaining a good memory.</p> Mon, 05 Nov 2018 16:07:31 +0000 98979 at /newsroom Breakthrough in "marriage-broker" protein /newsroom/channels/news/breakthrough-marriage-broker-protein-254504 <p>Scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital -The Neuro, at and the Health Centre, have made a breakthrough in understanding an important protein that appears to act as a kind of cellular “marriage broker.” The protein called Netrin1 brings cells together and maintains their healthy relationships. Netrin1 plays an essential role in the growth of the human organism, directing cell migration and the formation of cell circuits both at the embryo stage and after birth. Wed, 12 Aug 2015 15:58:52 +0000 24405 at /newsroom