Trans-generations (CIHR Café scientifique)
The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Institute for Gender, Sexuality, and Feminist Studies (IGSF) presents a Café scientifique titled "Trans-generations: Trans History, Health, and Politics in Montreal and Beyond" Wednesday January 13th that will explore questions of trans politics, health, and history.
David Bowie (1947–2016)
"Singer David Bowie, one of the most influential musicians of his era, has died of cancer at the age of 69." (Source: BBC)
Supreme Court on assisted suicide: 6-month extension?
In December 2015, the federal government has asked the Supreme Court for a six-month extension to draft new laws on doctor-assisted dying. The Supreme Courtwill hear oral arguments on this request startingJanuary 11, 2016.
North Korea Nuclear Test
"Hours after North Korea trumpeted the apparent "perfect success" of its first hydrogen bomb test, the United Nations Security Council fired back with a promise of new sanctions." (Site: CBC)
Weather: El nino
As 2016 approaches, the ongoing El Nino shows no sign of relaxing its grip on the global climate. (Source: Al Jazeera)
Holidays: Story Tips for Journalists (2015)
Here are some story ideas for the upcoming Holiday season:
US Interest Rates
The U.S. central bank began raising interest rates Dec. 16 from record lows, as it hiked its benchmark rate by a quarter of a percentage point. (Source: CBC)
Chris Ragan, Department of Economics“Increases in the policy interest rate in the United States will reflect the data showing that the U.S.
Montreal blue collar workers suspended
"Nearly 2,400 Montreal blue collar workers including union leadershipwill face sanctions for leaving work to attend a union meeting last week after they were ordered to remain on the job. " (Source: CBC)
's exclusive Holiday Fair Trade Crownie
Just in time for the holidays, and eggedon by colleagues on the other side of the mountain at Université de Montréal, ’s Executive chef Oliver De Volpi shares the recipe for our exclusive Holiday Fair TradeCrownie.“50% cookie - 50% brownie - 100% delicious.
Available in 2016 in our dining halls.
Outremont: zoning on new places of worship
"The borough of Outremonthas overwhelminglyadopted a controversial bylawbanning new places of worship on Bernard and Laurier avenues." (Source: CBC)
Missing and murdered indigenous women
The federal government could announce some of the details of a much-anticipated national public inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women. (Source: CBC)
Journées annuelles en santé publique (Dec. 2015)
Annual gathering of experts and employees working in the public health sector, the Journées annuelles de santé publique will be held December 8-9 in Montreal. (Source)
Featured research stories of 2015
Could maple syrup help cut use of antibiotics?Syrup extract found to make antibiotics more effective against bacteria. A concentrated extract of maple syrup makes disease-causing bacteria more susceptible to antibiotics, according to laboratory experiments by researchers at .
Paris Climate Change Conference (Nov.-Dec. 2015)
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21, will be held in Paris from November 30 to December 11.
Montreal budget 2016
"The City of Montreal's 2016 budget includes another increase in residential property taxes, a smaller increase in non-residential property taxes and an increase in overall expenditures of 2.4 per cent." (Source: CBC)