Construction Starts: Life Sciences Complex - Shaft Reconstruction (Room 140)
Please be advised that has mandated “Priest Construction-Électricité” to carry out the following project: 14-140 Life Sciences Complex – Shaft Reconstruction at room 140
ٱپDz:The project involves reconstructing the wall of the mechanical shaft in Room 140 and painting one side of Corridor 1-HALL12.
Construction start date: January 27, 2025
Planned construction end date: February 21, 2025
Work schedule: Monday to Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Any additional hours will be coordinated.
Project Manager: nuha.himmo [at] (Ms Nuha Himmo)
Assistant Project Manager: rabih.farah [at] (Mr Rabih Farah)
Contact for building users :
Building Director: carmen.lampron [at] (Dr. Carmen Lampron)
Building and Research Infrastructure Officer: shawn.casey [at] (Mr. Shawn Casey)
Scope of work:
The work consists of:
- Reconstructing the wall of the mechanical shaft in lockers room 140
- Relocating the lockers from corridor 1-HALL12 on the first floor to room 140
- Painting the wall in corridor 1-HALL12 where the lockers are temporary installed
Impact & mitigation:
This project has no direct impact on the users of the 1st floor or the building. The work zone in lockers room 140 will remain inaccessible for the users until the end of the work. Part of the corridor will be reserved for the painters while painting and a passage will be left for users circulation.