

CNN - Is your desk job bad for your health?

Published: 22 June 2010

The hazards of sitting all day long--whether you're staring at a computer screen at work or watching TV on the couch at home--are better understood now than ever. In recent years, researchers have linked too much sitting to back pain, repetitive stress injuries, obesity, and even an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease… Good posture is also important for avoiding stress and strain at work, according to Dr. Julie Côté, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology and physical education at º«¹úÂãÎè, in Montreal. Côté, who studies workplace-related musculoskeletal disorders, recommends exercise programs like Pilates and the Alexander Technique, which focuses on coordination and range of motion. These programs can help build body awareness and better posture, Côté says. But, she adds, "One seven-week program is not going to cure you forever."

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