
GLOBAL NEWS | People with strong partisan views get more facts wrong on a current events test

Published: 8 August 2019

The stronger Canadians’ partisan views are, the more likely they are to choose the wrong answer on a series of factual policy questions, a survey has found....

SUDBURY STAR | Project imagines mining without the need for blasting

Published: 8 August 2019

Imagine building a new underground mine — or expanding an existing one — without using explosives....

Puzzling shapes: unlocking the mysteries of plant cell morphology 

Published: 8 August 2019

The discovery of the mechanics and molecular mechanism that dictate cell shape formation in plants by a team of º«¹úÂãÎè researchers offers new clues about the fundamental processes governing tissue...

CANADIAN GEOGRAPHIC | When it comes to stream health, land use and protection matter

Published: 8 August 2019

I wanted to know how protection affects streams because most protected areas are not created specifically with streams in mind, says Dalal Hanna, a freshwater ecologist, science communicator,...

CBA NATIONAL | The changing definition of family

Published: 7 August 2019

Karin Galldin's family started as many do, with a simple desire to raise children. While the route she chose to get there was still unpaved, the path had been cleared. By the time she gave birth to...

MONTREAL GAZETTE | Sunscreen shouldn't be a DIY project

Published: 7 August 2019

Wearing sunscreen is probably one of the best cancer deterrents there is. We often forget how common skin cancer is. One in five adults will be diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in their...

EDMONTON JOURNAL | Polar journey exposes Edmonton student to arctic culture and climate

Published: 6 August 2019

(Chiara Concini) is one of 130 high school and post-secondary students from around the globe aboard the Ocean Endeavour, taking a two-week plunge into arctic culture and geography in a program...

Newly discovered Labrador fossils give clues about ancient climate

Published: 2 August 2019

The discovery of fossilized plants in Labrador, Canada, by a team of º«¹úÂãÎè directed paleontologists provides the first quantitative estimate of the area’s climate during the Cretaceous period, a...

MONTREAL GAZETTE | 'Hands are tied': Class-action requests filed against Capital One

Published: 1 August 2019

Not one but two requests to approve class actions against the American bank in Quebec were filed at the Superior Court of Quebec on Tuesday, only 24 hours after Capital One announced there had been...


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