Embracing the Complexity of Neurodevelopment
Event Overview
Date and time: Monday, May 9, 2022 at 11:00 a.m. EDT
Format: Virtual and In-Person
Location:Jeanne Timmins Amphitheatre, The Neuro,3801 University, Montréal (QC)
Presenters:Dr. Julie ScorahandProf. Yang Zhou
Price: Free
Language: English
About this event
Join us for the inaugural “Embracing the Complexity of Neurodevelopment” seminar series, an informal meeting featuring talks by clinicians and researchers in the field of neurodevelopment.
“Neurodivergence and Neurodisorder” features the perspectives of Dr.Julie Scorah, neuropsychologist, and Associate Director of the Azrieli Centre for Autism Research (ACAR) Clinic, and Prof.Yang Zhouof the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at . Lunch and networking to follow.
11:00 - 11:40 a.m. | Presentations
11:40 - Noon | Q&A (End of virtual session)
Noon - 1:00 p.m. | Lunch and networking
About the NDD/ACAR Seminar Series at The Neuro
The “Embracing the Complexity of Neurodevelopment” seminar series is proudly supported by The Neuro’sNeurodevelopmental Disorders (NDD) GroupandAzrieli Centre for Autism Research (ACAR). It welcomes scientists, researchers, clinicians, and trainees in the field of neurodevelopmental conditions, including autism, to connect and engage in meaningful dialogue about their work.
The Seminar Series intends to foster open communication and collaborations between researchers and clinical professionals within the network.
If you, or someone you know, would be interested in presenting, please contact us.
Note: Registration is free and required.
If attending in person, register before Wednesday, May 4 to obtain your free lunch
Contact information
Kenneth Dyson, Manager, Azrieli Centre for Autism Research (ACAR), The Neuro
Email:acar.neuro [at] mcgill.ca
Tel.:(+1) 514-398-8653Join the conversation online!Follow us on Twitter