
Les cellules gliales sur le devant de la scène lors d’une nouvelle recherche internationale en collaboration

Histoires du CARA Feed - Mon, 12/16/2024 - 15:23
<p>Un rĂ©cent projet pilote rĂ©unissant les chercheurs de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč et de l’UniversitĂ© d’Édimbourg examine le rĂ´le des cellules gliales dans le dĂ©veloppement des circuits neuronaux.Ěý</p> <p>Longtemps considĂ©rĂ©es comme ayant simplement une fonction de soutien dans le cerveau, les cellules gliales sont maintenant reconnues en tant qu’intervenants essentiels dans l’établissement et rĂ©glage de la connectivitĂ© neuronale. Ěý</p>

Glial cells take centre stage in new international research collaboration

ACAR Stories Feed - Mon, 12/16/2024 - 12:32
<p>A new pilot project between researchers at ş«ąúÂăÎč and the University of Edinburgh is investigating the role of glial cells in brain circuit development.Ěý</p> <p>Glial cells, long considered mere support cells in the brain, are now recognized as pivotal players in establishing and fine-tuning neuronal connectivity.ĚýĚý</p>

Cultivating Indigenous Knowledge and Community at ş«ąúÂăÎč

HBHL Stories Feed - Tue, 11/19/2024 - 16:37
<p>After three years, ş«ąúÂăÎč’s <a href="/branches/programs/impress">Indigenous Mentorship and Paid Research Experience for Summer Students (IMPRESS)</a> program continues to empower Indigenous students to overcome barriers and flourish in their academic pursuits, all while supporting Indigenous perspectives and knowledge at ş«ąúÂăÎč.Ěý</p>

Contribution substantielle pour un projet de thérapie génique

Nouvelles du CARA Feed - Wed, 10/23/2024 - 10:23
<h2><b>Cette subvention de 1,19 million de dollars octroyĂ©e par les IRSC servira Ă  dĂ©bloquer les traitements des troubles cĂ©rĂ©braux rares</b></h2> <p>Ěý</p> <p>La thĂ©rapie gĂ©nique pour les troubles neurologiques rares pourra ainsi aller de l’avant grâce Ă  la subvention de 1,19 million de dollars des Instituts de recherche en santĂ© du Canada (IRSC).</p>

Gene therapy project receives major funding

ACAR News Feed - Wed, 10/23/2024 - 10:20
<h2><b>$1.14 million from CIHR will resolve treatment roadblocks for rare brain disorders</b></h2> <p>Ěý</p> <p>Gene therapy for rare neurological disorders will move one step forward thanks to a $1.14 million grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).</p>

Subvention de 2,6 $ pour l’étude de nouveaux modèles de cellules souches

Nouvelles du CARA Feed - Wed, 10/16/2024 - 14:38
<h2><b>Le projet de Thomas Durcan étudiera le rôle de la microglie dans des affections dégénératives</b><b>, afin d’identifier de nouvelles stratégies pour traiter l’alzheimer</b></h2> <p>Un nouveau programme novateur basé au Neuro a reçu 2,6 M$ du CQDM et de la Fondation Brain Canada.</p>

Research on new stem cell models receives $2.6 million

ACAR News Feed - Tue, 10/15/2024 - 11:24
<h2><b>Thomas Durcan’s project will </b><b>dissect the role of microglia in degenerative conditions, to identify new therapeutic strategies for Alzheimer's treatment</b></h2> <p>An innovative new program based at The Neuro has received $2.6 million from the CQDM and the Brain Canada Foundation.</p>

Le bilinguisme rend le cerveau plus efficace, surtout lorsqu’il est acquis dès un jeune âge

Nouvelles du CARA Feed - Fri, 10/11/2024 - 09:49
<h2><b>Des données IRM provenant d’un large échantillon montrent une connectivité accrue du cerveau entier chez les locuteurs bilingues</b></h2> <p>Le concept de neuroplasticité désigne la capacité du cerveau à établir des connexions à l’intérieur de lui-même, en s’adaptant à son environnement. La plasticité du cerveau est maximale pendant l’enfance, avec la formation de nouvelles voies en réaction à des stimuli tels que le langage.</p>

Bilingualism makes the brain more efficient, especially when learned at a young age

ACAR News Feed - Fri, 10/11/2024 - 09:44
<h2><b>MRI data from large sample shows increased whole-brain connectivity in people with a second language</b></h2> <p>Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to build connections within itself, adapting to the surrounding environment. The brain is most plastic in childhood, forming new pathways in reaction to stimuli such as language.</p>

PODCAST – Lumière sur une étoile montante: Marie Brossard-Racine

Histoires du CARA Feed - Thu, 10/03/2024 - 16:10
<p>Cet épisode du podcast, organisé par le <a href="https://rbiq-qbin.qc.ca/fr/">Réseau québécois de bio-imagerie (RQIB)</a>, présente <a href="/spot/marie-brossard-racine">Marie Brossard-Racine</a>, membre du <a href="/neuro/fr/recherche/centre-azrieli-de-recherche-sur-lautisme-cara">Centre Azrieli pour la recherche sur l'autisme (CARA)</a>.</p>

PODCAST – Spotlight on a Rising Star: Marie Brossard-Racine

ACAR Stories Feed - Thu, 10/03/2024 - 12:00
<p>This podcast episode, hosted by the <a href="https://rbiq-qbin.qc.ca/">Quebec Bio-Imaging Network (QBIN)</a>, features<a href="/spot/marie-brossard-racine"> Marie Brossard-Racine</a>, a research member of the Azrieli Centre for Autism Research (ACAR).</p> <p>Dr. Racine's work primarily focuses on unraveling the complex mechanisms behind function and dysfunction in children with neurodevelopmental disorders. From scanning babies to adolescents, her lab tackles the unique challenges of MRI scanning across different stages of childhood development.</p>

PODCAST – Curious Neuron: Barriers to Care for Autistic Children

ACAR Stories Feed - Thu, 10/03/2024 - 09:25
<p>In this episode of the <a href="https://curiousneuron.com/podcasts/">Curious Neuron Podcast</a>, host Cindy Hovington is joined by<a href="/neuro/node/5325/julie-scorah"> Dr. Julie Scorah</a>, a licensed neuropsychologist at ş«ąúÂăÎč. Julie practices as a clinician and is involved in research about how to make autism resources more accessible to the families that need them.</p>

PODCAST – Curious Neuron: Scientifically Informed Parenting

ACAR Stories Feed - Wed, 10/02/2024 - 12:28
<p>Many parents of neurodivergent children have found that early parenting advice helps them better support their child's unique needs. With guidance from renowned neuropsychologist <a href="/neuro/node/5325/julie-scorah">Dr. Julie Scorah</a>, this <a href="https://curiousneuron.com/podcasts/">Curious Neuron podcast</a> episode with Dr. Cindy Hovington, PhD, explores the specific challenges faced by neurodivergent children.</p>

Réduire l’inflammation du cerveau – l’approche prometteuse d’une nouvelle étude

Histoires du CARA Feed - Tue, 09/03/2024 - 12:33
<p>Lors d’une rĂ©cente Ă©tude, les scientifiques du Centre Azrieli de recherche sur l’autisme (CARA) ont dĂ©couvert une mĂ©thode favorisant la rĂ©duction de l’inflammation cĂ©rĂ©brale.Ěý</p>

New study finds promising approach for reducing brain inflammation

ACAR Stories Feed - Tue, 09/03/2024 - 11:54
<p>A new study by researchers at the Azrieli Centre for Autism Research (ACAR) has uncovered a promising approach for reducing brain inflammation.Ěý</p> <p>Glial cells, which support and protect neurons, can become overactive during injury and brain inflammation. This overactivity may contribute to chronic neurodegeneration and worsen brain disorders. Understanding how this process, called reactive gliosis, is controlled could help scientists better understand brain diseases and improve treatments.ĚýĚý</p>

Explore, Connect, Lead: Opportunities with the HBHL Trainee Committee

HBHL Stories Feed - Thu, 08/29/2024 - 15:17
<p>Are you passionate about neuroscience and eager to get involved in the ş«ąúÂăÎč community? The Healthy Brains, Healthy Lives (HBHL) Trainee Committee offers graduate students and postdoctoral fellows the chance to connect with like-minded peers and develop professionally by being part of a team that facilitates monthly networking events, academic talks and helps organize HBHL’s annual Symposium. Since 2017, over 80 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows have participated in the Trainee Committee.</p>

The BigBrain: Mapping the Future of Neuroscience

HBHL Stories Feed - Wed, 07/03/2024 - 10:27
<p>A decade after Alan Evans and Katrin Amunts made waves in the neuroscience world with the BigBrain,Ěý<a href="https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.1235381">unveiled in Science in 2013</a>, they are working to take their original model to the next level.</p>

Developing gene therapy for Ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay

HBHL Stories Feed - Wed, 07/03/2024 - 10:22
<p>Research at ş«ąúÂăÎč has brought promising developments in gene therapy targeting a rare hereditary disease present in Quebec.</p>

Soutenir les personnes autistes en transition vers l’âge adulte

Histoires du CARA Feed - Tue, 07/02/2024 - 15:48
Alors qu’elles arrivent à l’âge adulte, les personnes autistes se trouvent confrontées aux mêmes objectifs et aux mêmes difficultés que les autres. Cependant, pour traverser cette phase sans heurts, elles ont souvent besoin d’aide et de ressources supplémentaires.

Supporting autistic individuals transitioning into adulthood

ACAR Stories Feed - Tue, 07/02/2024 - 12:15
Autistic individuals face similar goals and challenges transitioning to adulthood as others. However, they often need extra help and resources to make this phase go smoothly.


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The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital)Ěýis a bilingual academic healthcare institution. We are aĚýş«ąúÂăÎč research and teaching institute; delivering high-quality patient care, as part of the Neuroscience Mission of the ş«ąúÂăÎč Health Centre.ĚýWe areĚýproud to be a Killam Institution, supported by the Killam Trusts.



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