
Ranee Lee has a scholarship named in her honour at MusicFest Canada

Published: 21 May 2021

MusicFest Canada began in 1972 with a handful of Canadian musicians who created the country’s first jazz band festival. Now, in its 49th year, this small group has grown to embrace 4 Festival Divisions, the original Canadian Stage Band Festival Jazz Division, the Choral/Vocal JazzDivision(1981) the Concert Band Division (1986) and the Orchestra/String Division (2008).MusicFestCanada— “The Nationals”—brings thousands of students and educators from across the country together, over a one-week period, to celebrate excellence in musical performance.

It comes as no surprise thatan institution such asMusicFestCanada would want tohonouranotherindeliblemember of the Canadian jazz landscape, vocalist and musicianRaneeLee. Named to the Order of Canada in 2007, Raneehas been an educator at the Schulich School of Music for over 20 years. Her contributions to music at the School and beyondcannot be overstated. We celebrate this recognitionof her accomplishments and commitment to the development of jazz musicians across the country.

The 2021 Awards Ceremonytakes placeon May 27,where scholarshipswill be awardedto Canada’s most outstanding young musicians, andhonourindividuals that have shaped music in Canada. This includesthe new Ellison Travel & ToursRaneeLee VocalScholarship. The festival will provide a cash scholarship to a most outstanding individual choral performer. The Ceremony will be streamed on Thursday, May 27 at 12:00PM and again at 4:30PM (Eastern Daylight Time). After the ceremony, all Scholarship and Awards results will be posted on our website at:

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