The Montréal Bilingualism Initiative (MoBI) hosted a conference at ACFAS this year.

Dr. Gigi Luk

Dr. Gigi Luk
Contact Information
Email address: 
gigi.luk [at]
Areas of expertise: 

Gigi Luk is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology (). Dr. Luk has established a research program to understand the cognitive and neural processes relevant to bilingualism and to promote a culturally responsive environment in educational settings, cultivating respect and inclusion for linguistic diversity. These goals guide her laboratory’s research projects in three directions: (1) characterizing bilingualism beyond English language proficiency in schools and in communities; (2) examining bilingualism and cognitive skills supporting language and literacy outcomes; and (3) establishing the neural correlates of learning new information in learners with diverse language experiences.

L'image lit « 'Fièrement propulsé par les Fonds de recherche nature et technologies du Québec ». The English translation is 'proudly funded by the Fonds de recherche nature et technologies du Québec.

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