Alexei Morozov
Alexei Morozov, Eng., Ph.D., graduated from Bauman Technical University, Moscow, in 1983, in computer science, and received a Ph.D. degree from the Graduate School of Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow in 1990, in robotics. Dr. Morozov is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Quebec. His research areas include engineering design in medical technologies, robotics, design and optimization of drivetrains for electric vehicles. Dr. Morozov has been working at the Centre for Intelligent Machines and Department of Mechanical Engineering since 1999 in various engineering design projects, and supervised more than 70 design projects developed by the undergraduate and graduate students.
Ph.D. Robotic Systems, Mechanical Engineering Research Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
Electromechanical Engineer, Bauman Moscow Technical State University
MECH 463 - Final Year Capstone Design Project
MECH 290 - Design Graphics
- Morozov, A. and Angeles, J., 2007, “The Mechanical Design of a Novel Schönflies-Motion Generator”, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, No.23, pp. 82-93.
- Hebert, P., Tatossian, C., Cairns, M., Aghili, F., Parsa, K., Morozov, A., 2007, “Toward the Design and Simulation of a New Generation of Reconfigurable Space Manipulators Using Telescoping Passive Joints,” Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol.31, No 4, pp.535-546.
- Resch, E., Drouin-Bouffard, J.-P., Shoucri, A., de Groot, E., Morozov, A., Jones, H., 2007, “Dual-Axis Drive for a Mars Rover”, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol.31, No 4, pp.547-558.
- Morozov, A., Zou, T., Rahimi Mousavi, M. S., Setiawan, Y. D., Angeles, J., Boulet, B., 2015, “Design and Gear Shift Control of a Modular Swift-Shift Multi-Speed Transmission for EVs”, Proceedings of European Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Congress EEVC, December 1-4, 2015, Brussels, Belgium, ISSN - 0774-5036, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2301.3206
- Chaudhary, M., Angeles, J., Morozov, 2016, A., “Design of a Spherical Cam-roller Mechanism for an Automotive Differential”, CSME Transactions, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 243-252.
- Rahimi Mousavi, M.S., Sauze, G., Morozov, A., Angeles, J., Boulet, B., 2016, “Mechatronics Design of an X-By-Wire Prototype of Electric Vehicle”, CSME Transactions, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp. 231-242.
- Morozov, A., Zou, T., Rahimi Mousavi, M.S., Angeles, J., and Boulet, B., 2016, “Design of a Modular Swift-shift Multi-speed Transmission with Double Dual Clutches for Electric Vehicles”, World Electric Vehicle Journal, Vol. 8, ISSN 2032-6653, pp. 184-185
- Morozov, A., Humphries, K., Zou, T., Rahman, T., Angeles, A., “Design, Analysis, and Optimization of a Multi- Speed Powertrain for Class-7 Electric Trucks,” SAE Int. J. Alt. Power. 7(1):2018, doi:10.4271/08-07-01-0002.
- Morozov, A., Humphries, K., Rahman, T., Zou, T., Angeles, J., “Drivetrain Analysis and Optimization of a Two-Speed Class-4 Electric Delivery Truck,” SAE Technical Paper 2019-01-5001, 2019, doi:10.4271/2019-01-5001.
Design and Manufacturing
Electric Vehicles
Design for Medical Applications