

Exactly solvable models and algebras

Monday, September 26, 2022toFriday, October 7, 2022

Activities from September 26, to October 7, 2022

Weeks 2 and 3 of the thematic month will consist of a one week school followed by a one week workshop. The aim is to gather experts in the fields of the representation theory of quantum groups, special functions, integrable systems, graph theory, out-of-equilibrium statistical physics and other related areas. Numerous bridges already exist between these fields. This meeting will develop these connections and encourage the discover of new ones.

The school held during the first week will involve mini lecture courses on the following topics:

  • S. Corteel (U.C. Berkeley): Combinatorics and ASEP models
  • P. Iliev (Georgia Tech.): Multivariate polynomials
  • K. Mallick (C.E.A): Out-of-equilibrium physics
  • A. Schilling (UCD): Crystals, polynomials and combinatorial models
  • B. Vlaar (Heriot-Watt U.): The Universal K-matrix

These experts will each give four-hour introductory courses. These courses are aimed both at graduate students and experts in other fields and are designed to allow participants to more fully understand the seminars in the workshop that will follow.

During the workshop held in the second week, lecturers of the mini course will have the opportunity to present their research. There will also be presentations from other invited speakers, as well as the possibility for some participant talks.

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