
David Anderson (Ohio State University)

Friday, March 8, 2024 15:30to16:30


Degeneracy loci in geometry and combinatorics


Given a matrix of homogeneous polynomials, there is a “degeneracy locus” of points where specified submatrices drop rank. These loci are ubiquitous, and formulas for their degrees go back to Cayley and Salmon in the mid-1800s. The search for more general and refined degree formulas led to a rich interaction between geometry and combinatorics in the late 20th century, and that interplay continues today. I will describe recent and new formulas relating the geometry of degeneracy loci with the combinatorics of Schubert polynomials, including some ongoing joint work with William Fulton.

Hybride - UQAM Salle / Room PK-5115, Pavillon Président-Kennedy


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