The 2024 CRM-PIMS summer school will be taking place in Montreal from July 1 to 26. There will be two long courses, given by Elliot Paquette and Perla Sousi./mathstatCategory:Â Dept. of Mathematics...
Professor Eyal Goren has received a prestigious Frontiers of Science Award for his co-authorship in his landmark publication Faltings heights of abelian varieties with complex multiplication by...
Title: Beyond twisted maps: crepant resolutions of log terminal singularities and a motivic McKay correspondence./mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Science
On Lusztig's Asymptotic Algebra (in affine type A)
ABSTRACT / RÉSUMÉ/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Faculty of Science
Join us for "Dynamical Days," an inaugural Dynamics and Number Theory workshop, taking place from June 5th to 7th, 2024, at Concordia University./mathstatCategory:Â Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics