Title: Borderline Variational problems for fractional Hardy-Schrödinger operators805 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
A Look at Some Mathematics Research Problems in General Relativity Abstract: 805 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Supercritical Wave Equations Pav. André-Aisenstadt, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Risque hydrologique: approches basiques et avancées. Université Laval, Pavillon Paul-Comtois, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Non parametric individual claim reserving Université Laval, Pavillon Paul-Comtois, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
TBA UQAM, 201 Ave. President-Kennedy, Montreal, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Propriétés structurelles des espaces de polynômes harmoniques multidiagonaux Seminar LACIM, 201 Ave. President-Kennedy, Montreal, QC, H2X 2Y7, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Quantization of extremal metrics and applications. Pavillon President-Kennedy, UQAM, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
TBA 805 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montreal, QC, H3A 0B9, CA/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics