Title: Off-Policy Confidence Interval Estimation with Confounded Markov Decision Process./mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: L'Apprentissage Continu modulaire (Continual Learning)/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Off-Policy Confidence Interval Estimation with Confounded Markov Decision Process. Abstract: /mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
TITLE :Euler systems and the Birch—Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture ABSTRACT :/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Isoperimetric inequalities for the lowest Aharonov-Bohm eigenvalue of the Neumann and Steklov problems./mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Risk assessment, heavy tails, and asymmetric least squares techniques Abstract: /mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: A simple approach to chaos for p-spin models of spin glasses /mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Change-point analysis for complex data structures /mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics
Title: Semistability of G-torsors and integration questions in characteristic p>0/mathstatCategory: Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics