

The American kestrel is in free fall, and no one knows why

Once prevalent in Montreal, the littlest falcon's downfall is a bellwether for hard times. “The story of the kestrel is happening to other bird species.”

Published: 10 Jan 2020

West Island parks woo residents outdoors for winter activities

Skiing, snowshoeing, stargazing and bird-watching are just a few items on the winter menu at local parks.

Winter in the West Island is a time when nature and leisure activities can dovetail beautifully.

Published: 9 Jan 2020

Germination Audiomentary Series Ep 1: Changing the World Through Pulse Breeding

In 2019 — with the help of the Borlaug Training Foundation — [Germination] put out the call to plant breeders asking them what they would do if they had $10 million to make the world a better place. Valerio Hoyos-Villegas, pulse breeder at ş«ąúÂăÎč, answered the call. He tells his story about how growing up around the coffee farms of Colombia set him on the path to helping feed the planet. Hosted by Germination editor Marc Zienkiewicz.

Published: 9 Jan 2020

Le bonheur des agriculteurs

Les producteurs semblent plus heureux au travail que la majorité des Québécois. En effet, l’agriculture se positionne au 10e rang des 70 professions et métiers classés au palmarès de l’indice du bonheur au travail réalisé par la firme Léger. Les travailleurs agricoles ont très positivement évalué cinq des six facteurs principaux qui influencent le bonheur au travail : réalisation de soi, relations de travail, reconnaissance, responsabilisation et sentiment d’appartenance.

Published: 8 Jan 2020

Des légumes cultivés sur du béton

Faire pousser des vĂ©gĂ©taux sur du bĂ©ton? C’est possible, pratique et mĂŞme très esthĂ©tique. Mark Lefsrud et son Ă©quipe, les chercheurs Sadie Moland et Intisar Syed Mahood, du DĂ©partement de gĂ©nie en bioressources de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč, ont dĂ©veloppĂ© un mur vĂ©gĂ©tal vertical nouveau genre : tomates, chou frisĂ©, laitues et Ă©pinards poussent, non pas dans la terre, mais dans du bĂ©ton poreux biocompatible.

Published: 8 Jan 2020

L’essor des légumineuses

Originaire des Andes en Colombie, Valerio Hoyos-Villegas a grandi en milieu agricole et a étudié l’agriculture partout dans le monde. Il comprend bien le défi que représente la production alimentaire.

Published: 8 Jan 2020

L’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč, chef de file dans la formation et la recherche sur le cannabis

Le programme en production de cannabis commercial de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč, qui accueillera sa première cohorte en juin 2020, sera un moteur pour la recherche et les collaborations entre l’UniversitĂ© et le secteur privĂ©.

Le nouveau diplĂ´me a reçu le feu vert de la direction de l’UniversitĂ©, ce qui fait de ş«ąúÂăÎč l’une des premières universitĂ©s canadiennes Ă  offrir un programme d’études dans le domaine.

Published: 19 Dec 2019

Reappointments of the Deans of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, Management, Science

La version française suit.

From: Professor Christopher Manfredi, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic)

Dear members of the ş«ąúÂăÎč community:

Published: 13 Dec 2019

Un nouveau verger pour l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč

« Depuis 30 ans, je prends soin du verger de ş«ąúÂăÎč, confie fièrement Michael Bleho, coordonnateur du Centre de recherche horticole de l’UniversitĂ© ş«ąúÂăÎč. J’adore travailler avec les pommiers! » DĂ©bordant d’enthousiasme, il annonce ainsi l’aboutissement d’un projet colossal : planter un nouveau verger pour l’universitĂ©.

Published: 13 Dec 2019

ş«ąúÂăÎč's diploma program will train expert pot growers for $24,000

There is a strong need for it because the cannabis industry is desperate for qualified personnel, professor Anja Geitmann says.

Call it a sign of the times: ş«ąúÂăÎč will teach students how to grow the perfect pot plant starting next year.

Published: 4 Dec 2019

Lister Family Engaged Science 3MT Competition

Congratulations to all of the presenters in Wednesday’s Lister Family Engaged Science 3MT Competition!

Published: 21 Nov 2019

Tracking forest fires from space

Student researcher pieces together satellite data to help communities monitor wildfires

Morgan Crowley’s interest in sustainability took root early.

Published: 21 Nov 2019

Cannafish at Coopérathon 2019

Congratulations to Ph.D. candidate David Leroux (BRE-Lefsrud) and fellow Cannafish team members, who were awarded the Agricultural Scholarship from Sollio Agriculture at Coopérathon 2019 held at Montreal’s Olympia Theatre. Coopérathon “is the world’s largest open innovation challenge that connects citizens, communities, entrepreneurs, researchers, academics and large institutions to develop, together, a socially responsible future.”

Published: 21 Nov 2019

Canada's Wild Rivers - 360 | Into Water

In the third installment of National Geographic’s “Into Water” 360 series, canoe through the sprawling Canadian wilderness with freshwater ecologist and National Geographic Explorer Dalal Hanna [Ph.D. candidate NRS (Bennett)]. She researches Quebec’s extensive freshwater systems, collecting samples from streams, rivers and lakes to assess ecosystem health, with the aim of protecting these precious resources.

Published: 21 Nov 2019

Training farmers for the 21st century

Keesha Ness’s family certainly knows farming – they’ve been doing it for nearly 100 years and plan to celebrate when they reach that milestone next summer.

Ness is passionate about farming, loves her cows, and plans to follow the family’s tradition.

“I’m definitely hoping to help out with the management side,” says Ness of her family’s Ayrshire dairy farm in Howick, Quebec.

“I really love the management side of it.”

Published: 21 Nov 2019


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