Microwaves: Sound Science Tools for New Economic Opportunities
You are invited to attend a Special Seminar by Prof. Dr. J. R. J Paré, MSM, New Bunswick Innovation Research Chair in Medical Technologies – Atlantic Cancer Research Institute
Microwaves are gaining wider use in a variety of scientific applications. Currently-used examples will be reviewed including liquid-phase extraction, gas-phase extraction, chemical synthesis, and separation processes. This presentation will attempt to demystify the question as to whether there is such a thing as a specific “microwave effect”. Recent efforts and directions in using microwaves as energy-efficient tools will also be presented. Emphasis will be on non-conventional non-equilibrium conditions. Finally, a brief overview of our own program on microwave ablation of tumours will be presented. The purpose of this seminar is to raise questions, several of which may (will!!!) remain unanswered, thus pointing out at R&D opportunities in that area.
Dr. Paré holds the New Brunswick Innovation Research Chair in Medical Technologies. He held various positions during his career, authored/co-authored over 175 scientific publications, 13 patents, and delivered over 450 communications worldwide. Recognized nationally and internationally for his contribution to the development of the Microwave-Assisted Processes portfolio of technologies he is Adjunct Professor ( and Université de Moncton), Associate Member of the Beatrice Hunter Cancer Research Institute, Honorary professor of Kunming University (China) and Visiting Professor Nankai University (China).
Hosted by the Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry.