Latest Conferences Issues
Updated: 22 hours 7 min ago
At SLE 2025 in Bordeaux, a session will be organized on science communication research related to linguistics and outreach. The goal is to present and discuss results from actual research that is relevant to communicating linguistics, and the ways in which linguistics is relevant to wider societal problems. This may range from empirical research or practical experience on factors determining the success (or lack thereof) of a specific linguistics communication project, to consequences or implica
The Department of Translation and Language Sciences of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, with the collaboration of the research group Infolex, is pleased to announce the celebration of the XV Congreso Internacional de la Sociedat Española de Historiografía Lingüística, with the title: Prescriptivismo y descriptivismo desde las periferias. It will be held at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Poblenou campus) on 17, 18, 19 and 20 March 2026.
Following the consolidated trajectory in the holding of on-si
The Centre for Linguistics, SLL&CS, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, India, is pleased to announce a two-day National Seminar on “India as a Linguistic Area: Exploring Shared Features Across Language Families” on 4th and 5th March 2025 and a workshop on “Writing Grammars” on 6th March 2025 in collaboration with Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysuru and ALS Indigenous Languages, ALSphere Foundation. This two-day seminar and one-day workshop will be an initiative toward
We are pleased to announce the ITAP Annual Conference 2025, which will be held in blended format (online and at Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain) on June 26-27, 2025.
The main theme of the conference will be Resources for L2 pragmatics teaching across instructional contexts. The following scholars have accepted to be the keynote speakers:
Dr Veronika Timpe-Laughlin (Educational Testing Service, Princeton, US)
Dr J. César Félix-Brasdefer (Indiana University Bloomington, US)
Le Réseau Linguistique de l’énonciation se propose depuis 2018 de réunir des repré des théories de l’énonciation, sans privilégier une approche spécifique, pour permettre une confrontation de points de vue. Il se veut un espace d’échanges qui invite par différentes modalités de parole (tables rondes, ateliers sur des objets partagés, conférences thématiques) à aborder la pluralité tout en questionnant, dans le cadre des recherches exposées, les formes d’appropriation, entre continuité(
We are pleased to announce our call for the 8th International Conference of the Asia-Pacific LSP & Professional Communication Association on the theme of “Collaboration, Innovation, and Impact: Bridging Academic and Professional Worlds”, to be held in person from 11th to 13th December 2025, hosted by the Department of English at City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR.
The conference theme reflects the growing complexity in the social context of Languages for Specific Purposes and Profess
The students of the PhD program in Philology, Italian Literature, Linguistics at the University of Florence announce the opening of the Call for Papers for the FLUI 2025 International Doctoral Conference. The Conference theme explores the semantic developments of the Latin verb tradĕre, originally used in the sense of ‘to hand over, entrust, transmit’ an assignment, an object, or a payment. Over time, the term evolved to denote the transmission of memories, information, and testimonies across ge
The European Society for Philosophy and Psychology (ESPP) invites the submission of papers, posters and symposia for its 2025 conference. Submissions are refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to psychologists, philosophers and linguists. If you have any questions, contact us by writing an email to
Keynote Speakers
Emma Borg, Cameron Buckner, Nora Newcombe, Petra Schumacher
Submission instructions for papers, posters and symposia:
The deadlin
The research project “Polarization and Digital Discourses: Critical and Socio-Cognitive Perspectives” (PODDS) is organizing its third seminar series, to be held at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid or, in case you can't be in person, via Google Meet.
This edition will consist of nine talks by experts in the field of Discourse Studies. The presentations will focus on various case studies of polarized digital discourses.
Polarization is a socio-cognitive phenomenon that is being investigated ar
Foreign language teaching and reference works play a crucial role in institutionalised foreign language teaching and are known to constitute an important source of learners’ foreign language (e.g. Huang, 2019). However, multiple studies suggest that the language of these textbooks often differs considerably from the kind of language typically used in communicative situations outside the foreign language classroom (e.g., Barbieri & Eckhardt, 2007; Gilmore, 2004; Römer, 2005; Rössler, 2010; Winter
A proposta deste simpósio inclui trabalhos na interface entre Psicolinguística e/ The scope of this symposium includes studies at the interface between Psycholinguistics and :
- Linguagem de pessoas neurodivergentes / Language of Neuro divergent persons;
- Linguagem de pessoas com deficiência física (baixa visão, cegueira, surdez, entre outros) / Language of special needs persons (blindness, deafness, among others);
- Linguagem de pessoas (bi)(multi)língues neuro divergentes / (Bi)(multi)ling
The first SCCC took place in Paris in September 2016 and was followed up with SCCC-2 in 2018 and SCCC-3 in 2023 in Tbilisi. This year, SCCC comes back to Paris for its fourth edition.
Following up on its general theme, SCCC-4 will bring together linguists working on different aspects of the scientific study of all Caucasian languages with a particular focus on South-Caucasian languages. As in the prior meetings, SCCC will include several tutorials, presentation and poster sessions, to create
The goal of the PhonolEEGy conference is to intersect experimental research based on EEG / MEG with phonological theory. While EEG / MEG-based research concerning linguistically relevant sound and its patterning (phonology) is growing, work that explicitly addresses phonological theory is still relatively limited.
The conference aims at promoting EEG / MEG-based experimental evidence as it informs phonological theory to grow the intersection of these fields.
The conference will
DMR 2025
The 6th International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations
To be held in beautiful Prague, Czechia, August 4-5, 2025, following ACL 2025 in Vienna, Austria.
DMR 2025 invites the submissions of long and short papers about original works on the design, processing, and use of meaning representations. While deep learning methods have led to many breakthroughs in practical natural language applications, there is still a sense among many NLP researchers that we have a long way t
We are excited to announce the launch of a new recurring meeting dedicated exclusively to computational psycholinguistics. The first Computational Psycholinguistics Meeting 2025 will take place in Utrecht on December 18–19, 2025.
This meeting provides a dedicated space for researchers working with (neuro-)symbolic, Bayesian, deep-learning, connectionist and mechanistic models like ACT-R to discuss how these approaches explain and predict human language production, perception and/or processing
The Faculty of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities at Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, is organizing the 2nd international conference aimed to discuss various aspects and issues about the rapid development of language industry and possibilities of artificial intelligence application that change the turn of research, methodological approaches and, at the same time, increase the access of society to information in native and foreign languages.
We cordially invite specialists and re
We are pleased to announce that the Learner Corpus Research Graduate Conference 2025, organized under the aegis of the Learner Corpus Association, will be hosted by the Chair of English and Digital Linguistics, Chemnitz University of Technology, and will take place virtually on 22-23-24 October 2025.
The main aim of the conference, as in the previous editions, is to offer a space for MA and PhD students as well as researchers who have earned their doctoral degree in the last two years prior
The dynamic relationship between modern times and fragmentation offers a way to explore connections between individuals and communities, specificity and universality, in today’s complex reality. The relationship between the contemporary and fragmentation can be observed from two perspectives: the fragment intended as a self-sufficient entity or as a part of a larger, more complex reality.
The first perspective aligns with the etymological dimension of the word ‘fragment’,
Thirteenth North American Phonology Conference—NAPhCxiii—[næ᷈ɸˈkxi̤̤ʔi̤̤ʔi̤̤]
The Concordia Center for Cognitive Science is pleased to announce a call for papers for the 25th year anniversary of the North American Phonology Conference: NAPhCxiii. The conference will be held from May 9 to May 10, 2025 at Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec.
Invited speakers will be announced at a later date.
Theme: Phono–Logical Reasoning
NAPhC seeks submissions that contribute to the understanding
Human beings exist in time, and their experiences unfold in time. Not surprisingly, all natural languages have expressions of some kind or other that convey temporal notions: some situate events in the past, present or future (tenses and time adverbials), others indicate an event’s inception, duration or end (aspectual constructions), and yet others present an event as imminent, in progress or accomplished from the perspective of the moment of speech (verbal periphrases). The way in which we tal