550 Sherbrooke West, West Tower
6th floor, suite 680
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1B9
Associate Dean, Library Technology (interim)
MLIS, , 2009
Artist Diploma (Oboe Performance), University of Western Ontario, 2006
BMus Honours (Music History), University of Western Ontario, 2005
Areas of interest
- Scholarly communication
- Open access
- Publishing
Editorial Board Member
Editor-in-Chief (2018-2020)
Selected publications
Harris, R., Lange, J., & Lasou, P. (2024). "Plan S and Open Access (OA) in Quebec: What does the revised FRQ OA policy mean for researchers.Evidence Based Library and Information Practice.doi: 10.18438/eblip30413 ()
Lange, J., & Severson, S. (2024). "Organizational Structures and Relationships in Canadian, Noncommercial Journals: Supporting Scholar-Led Publishing".College & Research Libraries, 85(1), 78. doi:10.5860/crl.85.1.78()
Lange, J. (2022, September 15). "". The Conversation.
Lange, J., & Severson, S. (2022). "Work It: Looking at Labour and Compensation in Canadian Non-Commercial Scholarly Journals”.KULA: Knowledge Creation, Dissemination, and Preservation Studies6 (2):1-21. doi:10.18357/kula.151. ()
Lange, J., & Severson, S. (2021). "What Are the Characteristics of Canadian Independent, Scholarly Journals? Results from a Website Analysis".Journal of Electronic Publishing, 24(1). doi:10.3998/jep.153. ()
Lange, J., & Hanson, C. (2020).“You Need to Make it as Easy as Possible for Me”: Creating Scholarly Communication Reports for Liaison Librarians.Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 8(1), p.eP2329. doi: 10.7710/2162-3309.2329. ()
Kohn, A., & Lange, J. (2018).Confused about copyright? Assessing researchers’ comprehension of
copyright transfer agreements. Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication, 6(1), eP2253. doi:10.7710/2162-3309.2253. ()
Lange, J. (2016). Scholarly management publications and open access funding mandates: A review of publisher policies. Ticker: The Academic Business Librarianship Review. 1(3), 15-27. ()
Lange, J., Miller-Nesbitt, A., & Severson, S. (2016). Reducing noise in the academic library: The effectiveness of installing noise meters. Library Hi Tech, 34(1), 45-63. doi:10.1108/LHT-04-2015-0034 ()
Lange, J., Lannon, A., & McKinnon, D. (2014). The measureable effects of closing a branch library: Circulation, instruction, and service perception. portal: Libraries and the Academy,14(4), 633-651. doi: 10.1353/pla.2014.0031
Holder, S., & Lange, J. (2014). Looking and listening: A mixed-methods study of space use and user satisfaction. Evidence Based Library and Information Practice, 9(3).
Hanz, K, & Lange, J. (2013). Using student questions to direct information literacy workshops. Reference Services Review, 41(3), 532 -546.
Lange, J., Canuel, R., & Fitzgibbons, M. (2011). Tailoring information literacy instruction and library services for continuing education. Journal of Information Literacy, 5(2), 66-80.
Selected talks and presentations
Lange, Jessica, & Dhillon, Gagandeep. (October 21, 2024). Planning higher, faster, stronger:Analyzing past tickets to inform future planning.Presented at Access, Montreal. Canada. Duration: 20 minutes ()
Betz, Sonya, Clark, Jessica, Hatherill, Jeanette, & Lange, Jessica. (October 25, 2023). Creating a Canadian Library Publishing Community to Support Diamond Open Access. Poster presented at the Diamond Open Open Access Conference, Toluca, Mexico. (
Lange, Jessica & Morugama, Vidu. (May 18, 2023). Growing capacity: Designing an open science information literacy session. Presented at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU), Montreal, Canada. Duration: 45 minutes. ()
Lange, Jessica & Turp, Clara. (March 17, 2023). Managing systems with care: What about the maintenance phase? Presented at code4Lib, Princeton, USA. Duration:15 minutes (in person).
Lange, J., & Severson, S. (2022).Let’s talk about labour: Compensation, hours worked, and workflow in non-commercial Canadian journals. Presentation at the Library Publishing Forum. Pittsburgh, USA. May 25, 2022. Duration: 30 minutes ()
Hervieux, S., & Lange, J. (2021).Scholarly communications and the future of information literacy: Graduate workshops in academic publishing and scholarly communications. Presentation at the Workshop in Instruction in Library Use (WILU). Online. June 24, 2021. Duration: 45 minutes ().
Lange, J. (2020).Imposter Syndrome, Vulnerability, and Project Management: Leading an Institutional Repository Migration. Presentation at code4Lib. Pittsburgh, USA. March 10, 2020. Duration: 20 minutes. ()
Lange, J., & Severson, S. (2020).Documenting labour in Canadian, independent scholarly journal publishing: Phase 1 results and discussion.Presentation given at the Library Publishing Forum. Online. May 4, 2020. Duration: 20 minutes ()
Lange, J. (2019). Being an editor on a library-hosted platform. Presentation given at the Library Publishing Forum. Vancouver, Canada. May 10, 2019. Duration: 25 minutes.
Lange, J. (2019). Student Journal Publishing 101 Workshop. Presentation given at the Library Publishing Forum. Vancouver, Canada. May 9, 2019. Duration: 20 minutes. ()
Lange, J. (2018). A marriage of convenience: Engaging colleagues with scholarly communications. Poster presented at FORCE2018, Montreal, Canada. October 11, 2018. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.1453340. ()
Hanz, K., & Lange, J. (2016). Sprint into your library! Developing on online orientation game for students. Presentation at the 84th Quebec Library Association (ABLQA) Annual Conference. Gelber Conference Centre, Montreal, Canada. May 4, 2016. Duration: 30 minutes.
Lange, J. (2015). Ready reference: Reaching students through an online reference FAQ. Presentation at the Congrés des Milieux Documentaires du Québec. Palais des Congrés, Montreal, Canada. November 18, 2015. Duration: 20 minutes.
Hanz, K., & Lange, J. (2013). Beyond the university gates: Effective methods for teaching career-oriented IL skills to students in professional programs. Workshop given at the 41st Annual Library Orientation Exchange (LOEX) National Conference. Nashville, USA, May 3 2013. Duration: 50 minutes.
Lange, J., Lannon, A., & McKinnon, D. (2013). Reimagining library service practices: When less is more. Webinar given at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference. Online. April 11, 2013. Duration: 60 minutes.
Canuel, R., Fitzgibbons, M. & Lange, J. (2012). Study skills for success: Extending librarians’ impact with continuing education students. Webinar given at the Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) Spring Virtual Institute: Extending Reach, Proving Value: Collaborations Strengthen Communities. Online. April 19, 2012. Duration: 20 minutes.
Lange, J., & McKinnon, D. (2012). Informed practice: Using ACRL information literacy objectives to redirect library instruction. Presentation at the Workshop for Instruction in Library Use (WILU). Edmonton, Canada. May 24, 2012. Duration: 50 minutes.
Canuel, R., Fitzgibbons, M., & Lange, J. (2011). IL in the future: Tailoring services for continuing education learners. Workshop given at the Librarians' Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC). British Library, London, England. April 20 2011. Duration: 60 minutes.
Fitzgibbons, M., Lange, J., & Canuel, R. (2011). Diverse learners, diverse services: Reaching out to continuing education students and instructors. Presentation at the 39th Annual Library Orientation Exchange (LOEX) National Conference - Fiesta de Excelencia: Celebrating Excellence in Library Instruction. Fort Worth, USA. May 6, 2011.Duration: 50 minutes.
Hanz, K., & Lange, J. (2011). What they don’t know can help you: Creating information sessions based on a pre-assessment of students’ library knowledge. Presentation at the 39thAnnualLibrary Orientation Exchange (LOEX) National Conference –Fiesta de Excelencia: Celebrating Excellence in Library Instruction. Fort Worth, USA. May 7, 2011. Duration: 50 minutes.
"Organizational Structure and Workflows For Canadian Scholarly Journals." 2020-2021. (Lange, J., & Severson, S). Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) Research in Librarianship Grant. $3000.
GLIS 638 – Business Information (2013). School of Information Studies, Faculty of Education. , Montreal, QC. Lecturer.