Alternating Redpath and McLennan building shutdowns for maintenance September 13 through 15
Please note that due to generator shutdowns beyond our control, the Redpath Library Building will be closed overnight on Friday night (September 13) and the McLennan Library Building will be closed overnight on Saturday night (September 14). There will be additional signage and security on-site to help inform users and enforce the closures.
700 new study spaces available in the McLennan-Redpath complex
New study spaces have been opened up in the McLennan-Redpath complex.Here is the breakdown of the 700new seats:
McLennan Main Floor (17 seats) McLennan 2nd Floor (226 seats) Redpath 2nd Floor(427 seats with 15 group study rooms & pods) Blackader-Lauterman - Redpath 3rd Floor (30 seats to be added soon)Please note, as of September 4, 2019, some tables are still being connected for electricity.
OverDrive changes for community and Mac users
Due to a change in our services we can only offer OverDrive to faculty, students, alumni, or others in our community with username credentials. We apologize to any members impacted by this change.
Library branches closed on Monday, September 2 (Labour Day)
Please note that allLibrary branches except theHumanities and Social Sciences Librarywill be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labour Day.
The Humanities and Social Sciences Library will be open on September 2 from 9am to 9pm for study only. There will be no services offered.
Appointment notice - Executive Director of the Fiat Lux Library Building Project / Avis de nomination - directeur général du projet de la Bibliothèque Fiat Lux
Message sent on behalf of Yves Beauchamp, Vice-Principal, Administration and Finance / Ce message est envoyé au nom de Yves Beauchamp, vice-principal, administration et finances
Dear colleagues,
It is my great pleasure to announce the appointment of Mr. Robert Hamilton, B. Arch., B. Sc. Arch., as Executive Director of the Fiat Lux Library Project. Mr. Hamilton begins his new role on September 3, 2019.
2019 Conversations Series with Alberto Manguel
The Library is pleased to welcome Alberto Manguel, writer, editor, critic and bibliophile for the fall 2019 Conversations Series. Six evenings of conversation will guide attendees through some of the rare treasures of the library’s collection. From Quebec detective fiction to fairy tales, Manguel and his guests will cover a wide range of topics – something to appeal to the curiosity in all of us.
System Notification: OverDrive log in issue
We are currently experiencing a problem that is affecting logging in to OverDrive accounts for some community members.
We are working with OverDrive support to resolve the issue and apologize for any inconvenience.
Please watch this space for updates.
Update #5: Osler Library of the History of Medicine
Background: As a result of the water infiltration and recovery efforts related to McIntyre Medical Building fire in July 2018, the Osler Library space in the McIntyre Medical Building continues to be closed until further notice.
Redpath basement now open to Library users
As of Monday, July 29, 2019, the Redpath Library Building basement isaccessibleat the following times:
Summer hours:Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm; Saturday from 10am to 6pm
Fall 2019 semester hours:Monday to Sunday from 8am to 11pm
We're here to help. If you’re having trouble finding materials, don’t hesitate to contact the McLennan services desk.
SSHRC Invests in Two New Library Research Projects
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) has poured research funding into two new research projects based out of the library. In the Partnership Development Category, The Gwillim Project, led by Dr. Victoria Dickenson and based out of the Blacker Wood Collection will be forging new networks over the next three years.
Schulich Library Status Update #2: Collections, services, staff relocation information. New study spaces, expanded access & increase in opening hours at McLennan-Redpath set for fall 2019.
Background | The Schulich Library of Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, and Engineering is closed temporarily for renovations for two years as of May 15, 2019. When the construction work is completed, the Schulich Library will feature: more study and workspaces, improved accessibility, restored exterior masonry, a new HVAC system, and an expanded number of washrooms.
New in WorldCat Discovery: Call Number Searching
Call number browse is now available in WorldCat Discovery. You can now search for materials by call number.
All Library branches closed on Monday, July 1
AllLibrary branches will be closed on Monday, July 1 in observance ofCanada Day.
For a listing of summer opening and service hours please clickhere.
New in WorldCat Discovery: browse ’s print book collection virtually
Discover Library’s print collection serendipitously online through WorldCat Discovery’s new “Browse the Shelf” tool.
To use the browse option, access WorldCat Discovery, open the detailed view of the item record, and click “Browse the Shelf”.
Please note:
CALL FOR PAPERS – Play On! 2020 Research Colloquium at Library, Montreal QC
What Happens When Libraries Play? Place aux jeux: quand les bibliothèques s’en mêlent ! Library, Montreal Québec"When we play, we explore the limits of the possible" –Thomas Hendricks.