4e Conférence internationale Manfred Lachs sur les conflits et l'État de droit dans l'espace

Vendredi, 27 mai, 2016àSamedi, 28 mai, 2016
Best Western Ville Marie Hotel, 3407, rue Peel, Montreal, QC, H3A 1W7, CA

[En anglais seulement]

Almost sixty years of exploration and use of outer space have brought unprecedented benefits to mankind. Humanity now depends heavily upon space, and even a single “day without satellites” would have disastrous impacts for everyone on Earth, particularly those who increasingly rely on space assets.

Space technologies, activities and issues involve States, commercial space enterprises, non-state actors and possibly even terrorist organizations. As space infrastructure grows more vital to global economic, business and strategic systems, the potential of space conflict therefore appears to increase. Possible armed conflict in space might have devastating implications for the space systems of all nations and perhaps even for life on Earth.

This 4th Annual Manfred Lachs Conference will address issues related to the state of the art in current and future military and security technologies and activities, the development of military policies and doctrines, the challenges and risks they represent in terms of space security, the national exploitation of space natural resources, space sustainability, and the peaceful uses of outer space for the benefit of all. In addition, presentation will address the adequacy and inadequacy of the current rules of international space law, public international law, and international humanitarian law, with respect to conflict avoidance in outer space.

Visit our website www.mcgill.ca/iasl/ for up-to-date information about the conference (including program updates and other relevant information).


Kindly mlc.iasl [at] mcgill.ca (email Maria Manoli) should you have any questions.

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