

Apply to become a Tutorial Leader for 2015-2016

Published: 27 March 2015

Students who will have completed the first two years of the BCL/LLB program  by the end of the Winter Term 2015 are invited to apply for a position as Tutorial Leader for 2015-2016.

Students may elect to become Legal Methodology Tutorial Leaders for either the 1st year Introductory Legal Research course (14 positions) or the 2nd year Legal Ethics and Advocacy course (8 positions).


Le poste est dans le cadre d’un cours de 4 crédits. Il s’agit, entre autres, de réfléchir sur la pédagogie juridique, animer les rencontres avec votre groupe, préparer les travaux de recherches et de rédaction en équipe, commenter les travaux de vos étudiants, participer aux plaidoiries de 1re et 2e à titre de juge, et d’agir comme mentor auprès de vos étudiants.


The application, consisting of a cover letter stating why you would like to be a TL and outlining any relevant qualifications, as well as a current CV and unofficial transcript should be submitted to Professor Helena Lamed by Friday April 10, 2015. Interviews will be held in the days following.   

Pour davantage d’informations, visitez la page web suivante: Group Assistants & Legal Methodology Tutorial Leaders.

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