

Announcing the inaugural laureates of the 2020 Weeramantry International Justice Award

Published: 26 May 2020

On 15 May 2020, during the online Global Symposium on Human Rights, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Law, the Weeramantry family was delighted to announce the first laureates of a prestigious International Justice Award in honour of His Excellency Judge CG Weeramantry.

The inaugural laureates are Professor Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger of the UK, Canada and Switzerland, advocate Neshan Gunasekera of Sri Lanka and the Hon Justice Marcel Szabo of Hungary.

Read the complete media release: [.pdf]

About the Award

The Weeramantry International Justice Award is granted to distinguished senior-level jurists whose lifeworks, intellect and character offer the highest possible credit to the memory of his Excellency the late Judge Christopher Gregory Weeramantry (1926 –2017). A judge (1991-2000) and vice-president (1997-2000) of the International Court of Justice, Justice CG Weeramantry received the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (2006) and Sweden’s Right Livelihood Award (2007).

The Weeramantry Award honours his Excellency’s international legacy, including his concern for the interests of current and future generations, his commitment to international law, peace and sustainable development, and his global humanism and leadership in the law.

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