An evening with the Rt. Hon. Richard Wagner, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada
For this edition of the Alan Aylesworth Macnaughton Lecture Series, the Rt. Hon. , P.C., Chief Justice of Canada, will be interviewed in a public “fireside chat” led by Law students.
The diverse perspectives of younger jurists on law and justice can lead the Supreme Court to pose new questions, frame new institutional issues and identify new challenges that it will face over the next decades. Accordingly, the format of this year’s Macnaughton Lecture is meant to engage the direct and indirect participation of Law students.
Please join us for a fascinating conversation!
This event is organized by Professor Daniel Jutras, holder of the Wainwright Chair in Civil Law.
The Alan Aylesworth Macnaughton Lecture Series
Launched in 1994, thanks to the generosity of Senator , BA 1926, BCL 1929, LLD 1992, the bi-annual Alan Aylesworth Macnaughton Lecture is devoted to contemporary issues of public policy. Senator Macnaughton was Speaker of the House of Commons, founder and Honorary Chairman of the Canadian World Wildlife Fund, Counsel at Martineau Walker, and a member of the Faculty of Law Advisory Board.