Fête nationale du Québec

Monday, June 24, 2013

LA FÊTE NATIONALE DU QUÉBEC. Classes cancelled. Administrative offices closed. Libraries closed./lawCategory: Inst. of Air and Space Law...

Doctoral defense: Graciela Jasa Silveira

Thursday, June 20, 2013 10:00to11:30

Graciela Jasa Silveira, DCL candidate, will defend her thesis, "Beyond conjugal borders: the impact of jurisdictional boundaries on women’s family law rights in Mexico and Québec," which was...

Call for conference proposals - The Legalization of Culture and the Enculturation of Law

Published: 10 June 2013

Centaur Jurisprudence: The Legalization of Culture and the Enculturation of Law The Centaur Jurisprudence Project invites paper proposals for a conference that is organized by the Centre...

Margaret Somerville awarded a Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, by Royal Military College of Canada

Published: 7 June 2013

Professor Margaret Somerville was awarded a Doctorate of Laws, honoris causa, on May 16, 2013, by the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario. During the College’s 94th Convocation...

Andrea Bjorklund first incumbent of Yves Fortier Chair in International Arbitration and International Commercial Law

Published: 5 June 2013

The Faculty is delighted to announce that Professor Andrea K. Bjorklund has been appointed as the first incumbent of the L. Yves Fortier Chair in International Arbitration and International...

Creation of the Nicolas Mateesco Matte Graduate Fellowship in Air and Space Law

Published: 4 June 2013

Professor Paul Dempsey and Dean Daniel Jutras are delighted to announce that a new Graduate Fellowship Fund has been created at the Faculty of Law of to celebrate Professor...

Sally Engle Merry awarded a Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, at Convocation 2013

Published: 30 May 2013

The Faculty of Law is delighted to present the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, to Sally Engle Merry, who will deliver the commencement address at the Spring Convocation on Friday, May 31,...

Publication of a new edition of “Les Obligations”

Published: 23 May 2013

The Faculty is pleased to announce that Pierre-Gabriel Jobin, Ad. E., Wainwright Emeritus Professor of civil law at  , and Nathalie Vézina, BCL’88, LLB’88, full Professor at Université de...

Prof. Paul Dempsey: Why it’s important to keep ICAO here

Published: 15 May 2013

By Paul Stephen Dempsey Special to the Gazette May 14, 2013 MONTREAL — Qatar’s proposal to move the International Civil Aviation Organization’s headquarters to the Persian Gulf would be a...


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