On March 21st, the Lin Centre Research Group on Human Nature and Values in the Digital Age (RGHNV) and Jarislowsky Chair in Human Nature and Technology will hold a group discussion on /jarislowsky...
On December 13th, the Lin Centre Research Group on Human Nature and Values in the Digital Age (RGHNV) and Jarislowsky Chair in Human Nature and Technology will hold a group discussion on Ranalli ...
Le titulaire de la Chaire Jarislowsky dans la nature humaine et la technologie a récemment publié un article intitulé "Que sont les chambres d'écho?". Veuillez cliquer le lien ci-dessous pour lire...
On November 27th, Jocelyn Maclure, the chairholder for the Jarislowsky Chair in Human Nature and Technology will be presenting at an event organized by the Order of Psychologists of Québec about...
Join us at the Institute for Philosophy and the New Humanities at the New School on October 2nd for a keynote presentation by Jocelyn Maclure, the chairholder for the Jarislowsky Chair in Human...