BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T162959EDT-4546rTNK2V@ DTSTAMP:20250312T202959Z DESCRIPTION:Instructor: Mireille PainchaudFacebook group: º«¹úÂãÎè Feldenkrai s.Musicians need training in awareness of their own movement and posture\, the same way they need ear training. Feldenkrais lessons help reduce tens ion and effort\, overcome and prevent performance-related injuries\, and b ring relief from aches and pains. They also provide enhanced coordination and increased quality of movement and attention. Musicians can greatly ben efit from learning to use their body with precision\, ease and efficiency. And if you are working at your dissertation or trying to find inspiration for your next composition\, releasing tensions in your body might allow f or better cognitive skills. Each lesson can address a different function ( sitting\, standing\, use of the arms\, breathing\, etc)\, so it is good to have a series of classes. And students say regularity helps the learning process\, so attending once a week is recommended. Wear comfortable clothi ng.Please register 24 hours prior to the start time of the workshop to rec eive the invitation to the online meeting.Classes will take place on Zoom\ ; link to be sent to registered participants before class.No cost to atten dFor more information about the benefits of Feldenkrais method for musicia ns: / Wellness Hub events are made available only to Mc Gill students who have registered. To keep our virtual space safe\, please do not allow any other person to access your registration information. By choosing to participate\, you consent that your name (or preferred name)\ , image and voice may be shared with other participants. Online Event Inst ructionsYou will receive the invitation to the online meeting 10-15 minute s before the start of the workshop. DTSTART:20210326T130000Z DTEND:20210326T140000Z SUMMARY:Virtual Feldenkrais for Schulich School of Music Students URL:/involvement/channels/event/virtual-feldenkrais-sc hulich-school-music-students-328231 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR