BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250313T022734EDT-5540C1u98R@ DTSTAMP:20250313T062734Z DESCRIPTION:Filing your returns for the first time or just looking for some tax tips?The Scholarships & Student Aid Office and Revenu Quebec will lea d an information session on how to complete your provincial tax return. If you live and work in Quebec\, you are advised to file both provincial and federal tax returns. This session will address provincial tax returns. At tendees will have the opportunity to ask questions\, but due to time limit ations\, personalized tax advising cannot be provided. The deadline to fil e your provincial and federal tax return is Friday\, April 30\, 2021. Our tax experts will provide inside tips and advice on:Student tax breaksOptim izing returnsEasy filing at no cost Recording or reproduction of the prese ntation is not permitted. This information will only be available during t he scheduled sessions.Online Event InstructionsThis information session wi ll be on Microsoft Teams. DTSTART:20210408T180000Z DTEND:20210408T200000Z SUMMARY:Income Tax Information Session (Quebec Provincial Taxes) URL:/involvement/channels/event/income-tax-information -session-quebec-provincial-taxes-328132 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR