BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T201832EDT-5757z50cUb@ DTSTAMP:20250313T001832Z DESCRIPTION:Having difficulty getting started? Do you find yourself putting off tasks? Join this workshop to (1) develop an awareness of what is proc rastination and how you procrastinate\, (2) identify how procrastination w orks\, and (3) discuss how to change 'procrastination to 'doing.'Please re gister 24 hours prior to the start time of the workshop to receive the inv itation to the online meeting.All Wellness Hub events are made available o nly to º«¹úÂãÎè students who have registered. To keep our virtual space safe \, please do not allow any other person to access your registration inform ation. By choosing to participate\, you consent that your name (or preferr ed name)\, image and voice may be shared with other participants.Online Ev ent InstructionsYou will receive the invitation to the online meeting 10-1 5 minutes before the start of the workshop. DTSTART:20210408T180000Z DTEND:20210408T193000Z SUMMARY:Skills for Strategic Procrastination URL:/involvement/channels/event/skills-strategic-procr astination-327317 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR