BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.20.4// BEGIN:VEVENT UID:20250312T172903EDT-2053vf3lZM@ DTSTAMP:20250312T212903Z DESCRIPTION:Do you have a business idea but don’t know where to start? What are the key factors that lead to start-up success? This webinar will iden tify different resources available to start-ups\, show you how to create a basic business plan\, and highlight key documents that are important when setting up a new business. It will also review the pros and cons of diffe rent company sub-types: sole proprietorships\, partnerships\, incorporated \, and non-profits. Learning Outcomes:• Identify what to take into conside ration when starting a company.• Explore how to create a business plan.• H ighlight the pros and cons of different business types.Over the past decad e\, Alex has been involved with 5 distinct start-ups in different sectors\ , including non-profit\, IT\, and education. Since 2014\, Alex has develop ed the Financial Skills for the Real World workshop/webinar series\, deliv ering it to over 7\,000 students at 4 different universities. He is lookin g forward to sharing his experience with you about the benefits and the dr awbacks of being an entrepreneur.IMPORTANT: Students must register with th eir official email address in order for the registration to be vali d. Register here!No-Show Fee Alert: There are no fees associated with SKIL LSETS webinars\; however\, registering for an online event is a commitment to attend. If you can no longer attend\, make sure to cancel your registr ation. Otherwise\, a $25 No-Show Fee will be charged to your studen t account. Exceptions will only be made for students in the case of emerge ncies or “extenuating circumstances”. /skillsets/poli ciesOnline Event InstructionsZoom registration DTSTART:20210326T150000Z DTEND:20210326T163000Z SUMMARY:Entrepreneurship 101 URL:/involvement/channels/event/entrepreneurship-101-3 27078 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR