Final course add/drop deadline for Winter term courses and multi-term courses (D1/D2 or N1/N2) that begin in the Winter term in Graduate Studies./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students
Examination period for Winter term and multi-term courses given by Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Continuing Studies, Education,...
Deadline to apply for readmission to the Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences for Winter 2024 term./importantdatesCategory:Â Important dates for students
Deadline to web withdraw from courses (grade of "W") or University withdraw (grade of "W--") from Winter 2024 courses (with no fee refund) for students in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences,...
Target date for sending of preliminary selections (invitations to interviews) for the Faculty of Medicine's Fall 2024 Med-P (PRE-MED-ADM) Qualifying Year./importantdatesCategory:Â Important dates...
Examination period for Fall term and multi-term courses given by Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies), Continuing Studies, Education,...
Deadline to apply to graduate on Minerva for all undergraduate students and graduate students in all non-thesis programs (certificates, diplomas, Master's non-thesis) who expect to complete their...
Course Change (add/drop) deadline for Winter term courses and Continuing Studies Winter term courses for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts (including Social Work & Religious Studies...
Summer courses offered by Continuing Studies open for registration to students in other faculties (excludes students in Dentistry, Law, Management day programs, Medicine, Nursing, Physical Therapy...