Full list of participants can be found in this pdf/ihdwCategory: Faculty of Education
Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education
Social Equity and Diversity Education
Lessons learned from Women and Gender Equality Canada funded projects: Importance of engaging men and boys to prevent and address gender-based violence/ihdwCategory: Faculty of Arts...
/ihdwCategory: School of Architecture
Faculty of Arts
School of Continuing Studies
Education Student Affairs
Faculty of Education
Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education
My colleagues at are working on a project called: Young People, Well-being, and Connectedness in the Time of Distancing (funded by Quebec’s Ministère de la Santé et des Services...
/ihdwCategory: Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education
Educational Leadership Seminar Series
We are pleased to invite you to a panel and book launch of "Studies on the Social Construction of Identity and Authenticity”./ihdwCategory: Faculty of Arts...
Brought to you by The Participatory Cultures Lab
/ihdwCategory: Faculty of Arts
Communicate Ideas—Teaching
Faculty of Education
Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education