GSFS Advising


Queer Research Colloquium

Thursday, October 24, 2019toFriday, October 25, 2019
McLennan Library Building Research Commons Room A, 3459 rue McTavish, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C9, CA

CBC Radio coverage of 's Fourth Annual Queer Research Colloquium, and Queer History Month: and

The Fourth Annual Queer Research Colloquium
Oct 24th- 25th, 2019

KEYNOTE: "Queering Social Reproduction"byAren Z. Aizura (University of Minnesota) on Thursday, October 24th5PM - 6:30PM in Leacock 232. In partnership with the Climate Change series.

All panels are held in McLennan’s Research Commons Room A.


9:30: Welcome remarks

10:00-11:30. Panel 1: Health / Well being

-Kody Muncaster (Western), “Testing Gay Men for Hepatitis C: Findings from Bathhouse Hepatitis C Testing “
-Kyle Rubini (Western), “Queer Reflections on the 2018 Ontario Sex Ed Consultation”
-Dayna Prest (Western), “Sense of Place Among LGBTQ Folks in Perth County”

11:45-1:15. Panel 2: Negotiating violence

-Laurent Pineault (Université de Montréal), “Smartphones as Foucaldian Apparatuses: LGBTQ People’s Struggle for Visibility in Public Spaces”
-Laura Gallo Tapias (), “Seeking Asylum as a Latin American Woman: an Attempt to Bring an Intersectional and Narrative Perspective to Refugee Mental Health Research”
-Jessica Whitehead (), “A Systematic Review of the Service Navigation Experiences of LGBTQ+ Adults Exposed to Intimate Partner Abuse”
-Jacob Evoy (Western), “Holocaust Legacies, Homophobia, and the Second Generation: An Introduction to Oral Histories with LGBTQ+ Children of Holocaust Survivors”

1:15-2:00. Lunch

2:00-3:30. Panel 3: Decriminalization and activism

-Nicholas Lénart (UQAM), “Faggots, Forests, and Surveillance: Homophobic Policing in the So-called Province of Quebec (2007-present)”
-Shoshana Paget (Concordia), “Resistance & Reproduction: Interpellation and Accusation in Lawrence v. Texas”
-Brian Lewis (), “The Legacy of Victorian Sex Laws: ‘Operation Spanner’ in Context”
-Clinton Glenn (), “‘We are Propaganda’: The Canonisation of LGBT History and Culture and the Fight Against ‘Gay Propaganda’ in the Baltic States”

5PM. KEYNOTE Queering Social Reproduction - Aren Z. Aizura (University of Minnesota). In partnership with the Climate Change series. Leacock 232


9:30-11:00. Panel 4: Queer art / practice

-Amy Keating (Western), “Taking a Moment: Queer Minoritarian Belonging Through Art and Aesthetics”
-Ger Zielinski (Ryerson), “On Queer Ephemera and Anarchive in Contemporary Media Art”
-Steven Greenwood (), “Gender, Homoeroticism, and Spring Awakening's Journey to Broadway”
-Sydney Sheedy (), “‘Residue on the Cards’: Queer Progressive Occultism and Fantasies of Arrival”

11:15-12:45. Panel 5: Representation

-Linzey Corridon (Concordia), “‘You Better Step Your P***y Up’: Hyper-femininity, Laughter and Funny Bodies in Contemporary Drag Culture”
-Kyler Chittick (Queen’s), “AIDS and Its Forms, Or New Queer Cinema's Formal Affects”
-Juanita Marchand Knight (), “Unpacking the Female Werewolf: Gender Semiotics in Bitten”
-Antoine Damiens (), “‘It’s Like in French You Don’t Have a Word for Fun Either’ Reverberations and Translation in Soukaz and Hocquenghem’s Race d’Ep (1979) and Gérard’s History Doesn’t Have to Repeat Itself (2014)”

12:45-1:30. Lunch

1:30-3:00. Panel 6: Transnational queerness

-Benji Northwehr (), “Dwelling in Difference: Wu Tsang’s Queer World-Making”
-Deeplina Banerjee (Western), “Love is Love- Exploring Representations of Queer Sexuality in Indian Cinema”
-Shawn Jones (Concordia), “Accessing Gay Porn in East Asia—Desires, Strategies, and Obstacles”
-Josh Marchesini (), “Disorienting Women: Carmen in El Ambiente”

3:15-4:45. Panel 7. Texts/contexts

-Abhishek Tripathi (Nalanda University, India), “Ancient Texts of Hinduism and Jainism and Its projection of Gender(s): Theological, Social and Philosophical Perspective of Third Gender, Trittya Prakkritti”
-Zoe Shaw (), “‘Wreath their Sacred Urn’: Anna Seward’s ‘Llangollen Vale’ and the Sapphic Elegy”
-Julien Vallières-Gingras () « Les voies de la Providence sont impénétrables, tandis que le reste... : réassignation sexuelle, satire et blasphème dans un roman québécois de l’ère duplessiste : précédé d’un portrait de l’auteur en danseur de ballet »
-Ashley Lanni (Concordia), “Ace in the Hole: A Non-punny Look at Asexuality in Fandom Spaces"

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