Queer Research Colloquium
CBC Radio coverage of 's Fourth Annual Queer Research Colloquium, and Queer History Month: and
The Fourth Annual Queer Research Colloquium
Oct 24th- 25th, 2019
KEYNOTE: "Queering Social Reproduction"byAren Z. Aizura (University of Minnesota) on Thursday, October 24th5PM - 6:30PM in Leacock 232. In partnership with the Climate Change series.
All panels are held in McLennan’s Research Commons Room A.
9:30: Welcome remarks
10:00-11:30. Panel 1: Health / Well being
-Kody Muncaster (Western), “Testing Gay Men for Hepatitis C: Findings from Bathhouse Hepatitis C Testing “
-Kyle Rubini (Western), “Queer Reflections on the 2018 Ontario Sex Ed Consultation”
-Dayna Prest (Western), “Sense of Place Among LGBTQ Folks in Perth County”
11:45-1:15. Panel 2: Negotiating violence
-Laurent Pineault (Université de Montréal), “Smartphones as Foucaldian Apparatuses: LGBTQ People’s Struggle for Visibility in Public Spaces”
-Laura Gallo Tapias (), “Seeking Asylum as a Latin American Woman: an Attempt to Bring an Intersectional and Narrative Perspective to Refugee Mental Health Research”
-Jessica Whitehead (), “A Systematic Review of the Service Navigation Experiences of LGBTQ+ Adults Exposed to Intimate Partner Abuse”
-Jacob Evoy (Western), “Holocaust Legacies, Homophobia, and the Second Generation: An Introduction to Oral Histories with LGBTQ+ Children of Holocaust Survivors”
1:15-2:00. Lunch
2:00-3:30. Panel 3: Decriminalization and activism
-Nicholas Lénart (UQAM), “Faggots, Forests, and Surveillance: Homophobic Policing in the So-called Province of Quebec (2007-present)”
-Shoshana Paget (Concordia), “Resistance & Reproduction: Interpellation and Accusation in Lawrence v. Texas”
-Brian Lewis (), “The Legacy of Victorian Sex Laws: ‘Operation Spanner’ in Context”
-Clinton Glenn (), “‘We are Propaganda’: The Canonisation of LGBT History and Culture and the Fight Against ‘Gay Propaganda’ in the Baltic States”
5PM. KEYNOTE Queering Social Reproduction - Aren Z. Aizura (University of Minnesota). In partnership with the Climate Change series. Leacock 232
9:30-11:00. Panel 4: Queer art / practice
-Amy Keating (Western), “Taking a Moment: Queer Minoritarian Belonging Through Art and Aesthetics”
-Ger Zielinski (Ryerson), “On Queer Ephemera and Anarchive in Contemporary Media Art”
-Steven Greenwood (), “Gender, Homoeroticism, and Spring Awakening's Journey to Broadway”
-Sydney Sheedy (), “‘Residue on the Cards’: Queer Progressive Occultism and Fantasies of Arrival”
11:15-12:45. Panel 5: Representation
-Linzey Corridon (Concordia), “‘You Better Step Your P***y Up’: Hyper-femininity, Laughter and Funny Bodies in Contemporary Drag Culture”
-Kyler Chittick (Queen’s), “AIDS and Its Forms, Or New Queer Cinema's Formal Affects”
-Juanita Marchand Knight (), “Unpacking the Female Werewolf: Gender Semiotics in Bitten”
-Antoine Damiens (), “‘It’s Like in French You Don’t Have a Word for Fun Either’ Reverberations and Translation in Soukaz and Hocquenghem’s Race d’Ep (1979) and Gérard’s History Doesn’t Have to Repeat Itself (2014)”
12:45-1:30. Lunch
1:30-3:00. Panel 6: Transnational queerness
-Benji Northwehr (), “Dwelling in Difference: Wu Tsang’s Queer World-Making”
-Deeplina Banerjee (Western), “Love is Love- Exploring Representations of Queer Sexuality in Indian Cinema”
-Shawn Jones (Concordia), “Accessing Gay Porn in East Asia—Desires, Strategies, and Obstacles”
-Josh Marchesini (), “Disorienting Women: Carmen in El Ambiente”
3:15-4:45. Panel 7. Texts/contexts
-Abhishek Tripathi (Nalanda University, India), “Ancient Texts of Hinduism and Jainism and Its projection of Gender(s): Theological, Social and Philosophical Perspective of Third Gender, Trittya Prakkritti”
-Zoe Shaw (), “‘Wreath their Sacred Urn’: Anna Seward’s ‘Llangollen Vale’ and the Sapphic Elegy”
-Julien Vallières-Gingras () « Les voies de la Providence sont impénétrables, tandis que le reste... : réassignation sexuelle, satire et blasphème dans un roman québécois de l’ère duplessiste : précédé d’un portrait de l’auteur en danseur de ballet »
-Ashley Lanni (Concordia), “Ace in the Hole: A Non-punny Look at Asexuality in Fandom Spaces"